TV Pilot Master Class: Writing for the Current Marketplace OnDemand Webinar
Now is the time to be writing TV pilots as existing cable and broadcast channels, plus streaming players like Amazon and Netflix, continue to buy up original fare with an ever increasing appetite. The opportunities and potential rewards for writers, even new ones, have never been better. In the past year alone, over 41 of Corey Mandell's students have sold pilots or pitches to the major players.
An extremely well executed spec pilot script is required to break into the TV business--even for those seeking to get staffed on an existing show as showrunners are now looking at original material when deciding on which new writers to bring onto their shows. Yet managers and agents routinely complain that too many writers waste valuable time writing a script with little to no chance at success. The reason is too many aspiring writers don't understand the current marketplace, and as a result, are simply writing the wrong kinds of scripts.
This intensive Master webinar class is designed for writers seeking an edge in breaking into, and thriving in the highly competitive but lucrative TV market.
- What kind of pilots are currently most in demand
- Effective strategies for breaking into TV Writing
- The importance of a Story Engine in selling a project
- How to get staffed on an existing show
- The main reasons most pilot specs are rejected
- Avoiding the most common mistakes writers make trying to break into TV
- Current success stories of unknown writers who have launched careers
- What is required to get an agent or manager to sign you
- Writers looking to sell a pilot script or pitch
- Writers looking to get staffed
- Seasoned writers as well as new TV writers
- Writers who have a script rejected
- Writers who are about to start a new pilot script
- Writers who are about to rewrite their existing pilot script