Writer's Digest January 2013 (PDF)
Write That Novel
The Two Pillars of Novel Structure
Even good stories can crumble if they don't have a strong framework. Use this time-tested structure to transport your readers from exhilarating start to satisfying finish.
by James Scott Bell
Weaving a Seamless Backstory
Behind every well-developed novel lies an important backstory,but including too much of it too soon can halt your story's momentum. Here's how to know what to reveal, and when.
by Karen Dionne
Push Your Characters to Their Limits
How far can a character go before she's “out of character"? Here's how to use the interplay of context, conflict and contradiction to your story's advantage.
by David Corbett
The Last 10%
How can you tell when your novel is really finished? Learn the final-draft factors that most often make or break a novel.
by Lisa Rector
Lessons From First-Time Novelists
Writing and publishing your debut novel can take three months or 30 years. In this roundtable discussion, five very different breakout authors share what they've learned about how to best position yourself for success.
by Zachary Petit
The WD Interview: Lee Child
Lee Child lost his job, gained a bestselling series, and crafted a classic character so strong, he never gets old,even 17 books and one movie later.
by Zachary Petit
WRITER'S WORKBOOK: Description & Setting
Master Description Through Sensory Detail
by Elizabeth Sims
Make Your Setting A Character
by Donald Maass
If Walls Could Talk
Visits to literary landmarks reveal powerful lessons every writer can carry home.
by Joy Lanzendorfer
- Shooting for the Stars
- Books Go to the Movies
- Good to Know: Psychologists vs. Psychiatrists
- Poetic Asides: Haibun
- 5-Minute Memoir: Fear and Loathing and Fitzgerald
MEET THE AGENT: Alison Fargis, Stonesong
by Kara Gebhart Uhl
BREAKING IN: Debut Author Spotlight
by Chuck Sambuchino
QUESTIONS & QUANDARIES: Raise vs. Rise; How Advances Work; Using Existing Book Titles
by Brian A. Klems
YOUR STORY: First Things First, Contest #43
STANDOUT MARKETS: Subtropics; Harper's; Hampton Roads Publishing
by Tiffany Luckey
CONFERENCE SCENE:University ofWisconsin–Madison's Writers' Institute; Write Now! 2013;University ofNorth Dakota Writers Conference
by Linda Formichelli
REJECT A HIT: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Spoof-Rejected by Deserét Baker