Writer's Digest January 2014 Digital Download
Writer's Digest, January 2014, Volume 94, No. 1
FEATURES: Write Your Novel in 2014
Miscalculations & Missteps
Too many unpublished novels have been sidelined by the same near misses. Discover the cures to seven common culprits.
by Elizabeth Sims
Fiction in Focus
Learn to use the lens of POV to frame stronger scenes.
by Tanya Egan Gibson
The Science of Character Change
If your protagonist doesn't evolve, your story will die on the page. Simple (and terrifying) as that. Here's how to craft those key moments of insight that alter your character's course.
by David Corbett
Stuck in the Middle
A mid-draft slump is often nothing more than a symptom of a weak support beam somewhere in your story. Run these simple diagnostics, and you'll be standing strong again in no time.
by Larry Brooks
The Power of Pairs: A Roundtable
We brought together four of today's most successful co-authors to discover what goes on behind the scenes when writers collaborate,and how two heads really can be better than one.
by Zachary Petit
The WD Interview: Chris Bohjalian
He set out with an insatiable passion for the craft and the goal to never write the same book twice. He ended up with a writing career that reads a lot like a novel.
by Jessica Strawser
WRITER'S WORKBOOK: Your Opening Chapters
4 Approaches for Your First Chapter
by Jeff Gerke
3 Ways to Establish Character From the Start
by Les Edgerton
How to Introduce the World of Your Story
by Jeff Gerke
Branding Like a Master
The lives and lifestyles of legendary writers can teach us all some crucial lessons about platform and self-branding today.
by Jennifer Keishin Armstrong
- 5-Minute Memoir: The Art of Failing Well
- Menaker's Mistakes
- Poetic Asides
- Top Shelf
MEET THE AGENT: Stephanie Cabot, The Gernert Company
by Kara Gebhart Uhl
BREAKING IN: Debut Author Spotlight
by Chuck Sambuchino
FUNNY YOU SHOULD ASK: How to Survive a Synopsis; Stephen King vs. the 3-Chapter Test
by Barbara Poelle
YOUR STORY: Stray Lust
by Elijah Wess
STANDOUT MARKETS: The Cincinnati Review; Travel + Leisure; River City Publishing
by Tiffany Luckey
CONFERENCE SCENE: Create Something Magical; Mount Hermon Christian Writers; Dahlonega Literary Festival
by Linda Formichelli
spoof-rejected by Suzanne M. Brazil