Writer's Digest January/February 2022 Digital Edition
Finding Success in 2022
A new year means a new opportunity to evaluate what’s working and what’s not. In this issue of Writer’s Digest, we offer advice and inspiration to set writers up for a successful year of writing no matter their goals. Whether it’s to finish writing their first book, improve their writing, find an agent, or learn to make better business decisions, this collection of articles will help writers find success in 2022. Articles include:
+ Research and Storytelling for Successful Historical Fiction: Bestselling historical fiction novelist Janie Chang asked six fellow novelists (including Kate Quinn, Evie Dunmore, and Stephanie Dray) to share their tips for finding and writing stories from the past that will resonate with today’s readers. By Janie Chang
+ Taking the Short Tack With Short Fiction: Creator of The Indy Author Podcast, Matty Dalrymple, encourages both traditionally published and self-published authors to consider short fiction as a way to explore new writing ideas, build an audience, and meaningfully connect with other writers. by Matty Dalrymple
+ Eyes on the Road! Much like a cross-country road trip, writing a series can be quite the journey for both readers and writers. E. L. Tenenbaum offers 5 tips for planning and writing a series to get readers safely to the final destination and while enjoying the ride along the way. E. L. Tenenbaum
+ What Literary Agents Wish Writers Knew: 22 literary agents share their insights about querying, the agent/author relationship, and the publishing industry as a whole, so writers can find success in 2022. By Ryan G. Van Cleave
+ Dig In or Cut Yourself Free: Drawer novel or potential bestseller? 7 writers share their tips for revision success and how to know when it’s time to move on. By Andromeda Romano-Lax
+ How Law School Made Me a More Business-Savvy Writer: One writer explains how an offer from his day job allowed him to go to law school, and how it helped his writing career. But, rather than encouraging other writers to do the same, he offers advice for being open to unexpected opportunities. By Michael La Ronn
+ Playing the Freelance Field: Part of making your freelance career a success is knowing how to determine the benefit each gig brings to your résumé. Here are 4 tips to help you make the right moves. By Cassandra Lipp
+ The WD Interview: Lisa Jewell: The internationally bestselling novelist talked with WD about her newest thriller, The Night She Disappeared, why she doesn’t plot before drafting, and about the surprise she always leaves for the last page. By Amy Jones
Plus, 15 (tongue-in-cheek) ways to fail as a writer, how to decide if self-publishing is right for you, and if podcasting might be beneficial (or not) to your writing career. This issue also introduces our new column, Building Better Worlds, written by Managing Editor Moriah Richard, to help writers in all genres create the world-building elements they’ll need to make their stories vivid for readers. And, as always, more of your favorite columns: Publishing Insights, All About the Pitch, Funny You Should Ask, Meet the Agents, Writers on Writing (featuring poet Raymond Antrobus), and much more.