10 Mistakes Writers Make When Submitting to Agents Video Download
The last response a writer wants when submitting their work is an immediate rejection. Many of these rejections come from simple mistakes writers make,causing agents to say “no" to the submission before they even read a single word! Whether you write children's books, memoir, nonfiction, or anything in between, this tutorial will help you avoid making mistakes that'll automatically doom your project.
This tutorial is taught by Chuck Sambuchino. Chuck is an editor and a writer. He works for Writer's Digest Books and edits two annual resource guides,the Guide to Literary Agents and the Children's Writer's & Illustrator's Market. Chuck's first humor book, How to Survive a Garden Gnome Attack (gnomeattack.com), was released in 2010 and has been featured by Reader's Digest, USA Today, the New York Times and AOL News. His second humor book, Red Dog / Blue Dog: When Pooches Get Political (July 2012) has been featured by Political Wire and the Huffington Post. His Guide to Literary Agents Blog (guidetoliteraryagents.com/blog) is one of the biggest blogs in publishing. In addition, Chuck has written two other writing-related titles, is a freelance editor, and was recently included in a FORBES Top 10 list of "Social Media Influencers: Book Publishing."
In this 33-minute tutorial video, you'll learn:
- The basics of submitting your fiction, nonfiction, or memoir to an agent
- The 10 most common mistakes writers make when submitting to agents, such as a poor start to your story or a query letter that's too generic
- From understanding the importance of the query letter to the tone you set,you'll gain a deep understanding of the must and must not's
You've written a great book or proposal,and now it's time to submit it to an agent. Avoid the most common mistakes and start your submission on the right foot!