2nd Draft: Developmental Editing Service (AKA Manuscript Development Notes, price per page) Extra Pages
Important Note: This 2nd Draft product should only be purchased if you are adding additional pages for review to your previous 2nd Draft Developmental Editing Service purchase. If you have not already completed a 2nd Draft Developmental Editing Service purchase and been asked to add pages, please make your initial purchase here.
You'll Love This Critique Service If:
- You have written at least 50 pages of your manuscript
- You need an editor to give you a complete overview on the quality of your manuscript and (in the case of novels or novellas) your use of the elements of fiction
- You are looking for feedback on your manuscript before you query an editor or agent
- Your manuscript keeps getting rejected by agents or editors
If your manuscript keeps getting tossed into the slush pile, or you're about to query an agent or editor -- now's the time to get a professional developmental edit from our 2nd Draft editors!
If you have at least 50 consecutive pages of your manuscript written and are looking for not only professional feedback but also a one-page synopsis for your manuscript, this critique service is perfect for you. With 2nd Draft's Developmental Editing Service, you get professional feedback on your nonfiction book, novel or novella, in a comprehensive package that includes:
- 12-16 pages of detailed notes on premise, plot structure, pacing, characters, dialogue and marketability
- A graph-based "Emotional Response" chart
- A rating on the "Pass, Consider, or Recommend" scale
- A one-page synopsis to use as a "leave behind" when you get that all-important meeting
If you are writing fiction, a developmental editor will provide a "big picture" review of your story, examining everything from story structure and dialogue to plot mechanics, pacing, suspense, and character.
If you are writing nonfiction, a developmental editor will provide insights into your theme, pacing, and voice. Do you sound authoritative? Is your writing style appropriate for the subject?
Please note that a developmental/content edit is much different than a line edit or a proofread. In a developmental edit, the editor is giving notes on the effectiveness of your manuscript overall. It is a lengthy review that analyses the work at a high level and offers suggestions for revision.
Ensure your manuscript is pitch perfect and make the best possible impression on an agent or editor. Buy a 2nd Draft developmental edit now, embrace our critique editor's feedback, revise accordingly, and then submit your query to an agent or editor with confidence!
Our 2nd Draft Critique Editors Will Not:
- Rewrite or revise for you, except in the case of providing an example of how to revise on your own.
- Correct grammar, mechanics, and spelling. (Our 2nd Draft Proofreading service does correct grammatical errors, including punctuation, capitalization, verb tense, spelling and sentence structure.) However, the story analyst will point out any patterns of surface-level error that may pose a significant problem for you.
- Correct for Industry-Standard Formatting. However the story analyst will point out general and repetitive formatting errors throughout the manuscript.
- Provide any fact-checking.
- Provide answers or advice on legal issues.
Minimum Length Requirement
To take advantage of 2nd Draft, you must have at least 50 consecutive manuscript pages ready for review. You're welcome to submit as many consecutive pages as you like, though they must all be from the same work.
Formatting Requirements
Please format your manuscript to meet these requirements prior to completing your purchase to ensure that you purchase the correct number of pages.
All documents must be submitted electronically in ONE of the following formats:
- Word document (.doc or .docx)
- Rich Text File (.rtf)
All documents MUST adhere to the professional manuscript formatting standards, which are:
- 8.5 x 11 page size
- Double-spacing throughout
- 1-inch margins on top and bottom
- 1.25-inch margins on left and right sides Arial, Courier, or Times font
- 12-point font size
*If your manuscript does not meet these formatting requirements, we will either return the document to you for correction, or we will apply these settings ourselves when possible, and only critique the number of pages you have paid for.*
There are no refunds for this service. No discounts apply.