Advanced Amazon for Authors: Writer's Digest Conference Session Video Download
Amazon.com has provided both independent and traditionally published authors with numerous ways to reach and influence potential readers. Jon Fine, Amazon's former Director of Author & Publisher Relationships, is an expert at teaching writers how to use Amazon's functionality in the most effective ways possible. Now, for the first time, Jon will teach you how to take your efforts to sell your book on Amazon to the next level. He'll explain exactly what you can do that will help you stand out from other authors who are already using Author Central, Listmania, Search Inside, and more. It's an invaluable session that will teach you how to optimize your book sales and visibility with one of the biggest, most popular book retailers on the planet.
About the Presenter
Jon Fine is the former director of Author and Publisher Relations for Amazon.com, coordinating outreach to the author and publishing communities, including the company's grant program which supports a diverse range of not-for-profit author and publisher groups (www.amazon.com/author-grants).