Author Branding: What You Need to Know Video Download
Words such as marketing, branding, or author platform cause many authors to break into hives, but in today's publishing landscape building an audience is just as important to an author's career as the writing itself. Branding is often misunderstood, frequently done poorly, or ignored altogether. In this Writer's Digest Conference session audio recording, successful hybrid author Michael J. Sullivan demystifies branding and illustrates five important tools you need to develop a persona that will organically attract the people most interested in the types of books you write.
About the Presenter
Michael J. Sullivan is a publishing veteran, using a wide range of options including: self-publishing, small-press, big-five, Kickstarter, print-only, foreign translations, and audio. His best-selling, debut series, The Riyria Revelations, has sold more than half a million copies, been translated into fifteen foreign languages, and appeared on more than eighty-five “best of" or “most anticipated" lists including those compiled by Library Journal, Barnes & Noble, Goodreads, and Audible.com. Michael shares his business experience and pulls back the publishing veil in a regular column for Amazing Stories.