Book Publishing Options Today: What's Right for You? OnDemand Webinar
Want to write a book? Here's some good news: Plenty of books are being published. In 2010 alone, traditional publishers churned out more than 310,000 books while nontraditional publishers (including print-on-demand ("POD") companies) produced another 2,776,260 more titles.
Today's authors have more publishing options than ever before,but how do you decide what's right for you? Why should you consider a traditional publisher, and how do you go about it? What are the pros and cons of POD publishing, and how does it differ from self-publishing? And what about ebooks, the fastest-growing publishing segment today?
As each writer is taking a different individual publishing journey depending on their book, subject matter and author platform, we must realize that one size no longer fits all. This program will teach everything you need to know about your book publishing options today, so you are prepared to undertake the best course of action to get your work out there and read. This session is presented by Kelly James-Enger, author of books including Goodbye Byline, Hello Big Bucks: The Writer's Guide to Making More Money Ghostwriting and Coauthoring Books.
Instructor Kelly James-Enger has written for more than 60 national magazines including Redbook, Health, Parents, and Runner's World, and has taught magazine writing and freelancing classes for more than a decade.
What you'll learn:
- The advantages and drawbacks of pursuing a traditional publisher
- The advantages and drawbacks of POD, or print-on-demand, publishing
- The fastest way to publish your book
- Common mistakes authors make when choosing POD publishing
- How to determine which publishing option works best for your book
- What platform is, why it's important, and how to develop your own
Kelly James-Enger has been a fulltime freelancer for 15 years. She's written for more than 60 national magazines and is the author of books including Goodbye, Byline, Hello Big Bucks: The Writer's Guide to Making Money Ghostwriting and Coauthoring Books and the upcoming Writer for Hire: 101 Secrets to Freelance Success. She blogs about making more money in less time as a freelancer at http://dollarsanddeadlines.blogspot.com.
Who should attend?
- Writers who want to become book authors
- Writers who know little about the publishing industry and how it works
- Writers who aren't sure what publishing option is right for their book(s)
- Ghostwriters and coauthors who want to be able to advise their clients about their publishing options
Writer's Digest does not offer any refunds for the webinar. All sales are final.
OnDemand webinars do not include a critique.