From Short Story to Story Collection: How to Craft a Collection of Short Fiction That Gets Published and Sells OnDemand Webinar
- You are a beginning writer who wants to better understand how to get your work published
- You are a more experienced writer who would like to increase the number of stories you sell
- You are a writer who would like to reduce the number of rejections you receive
- You are a writer interested in publishing your first collection
Almost every short story writer dreams of publishing a first collection. Unfortunately, few prepare for that event early enough,and the result are sales figures and publicity that do not rise to their full potential. The key to creating the blockbuster story collection is to lay the groundwork early, long before the author has a publishing contract or has even submitted the collection to editors. This presentation offers a primer on steps one can take years in advance to ensure one's future collection is a success.
- How to increase your odds of publication
- How editors choose what short stories to publish
- How to more effectively prepare your work for submission
- How to select the best, most receptive markets for your work
Jacob M. Appel is a physician, attorney and bioethicist based in New York City. His first novel, The Man Who Wouldn't Stand Up, won the 2012 Dundee International Book Award and was published by Cargo. His short story collection, Scouting for the Reaper, won the 2012 Hudson Prize and was published by Black Lawrence Press in 2014. His most recent books include a novel, The Biology of Luck (Elephant Rock, 2013), an essay collection, Phoning Home (University of South Carolina Press, 2014) and a short story collection, Einstein's Beach House (Pressgang/Butler University, 2014).
He is the author of more than two hundred published short stories and is a past winner of the Boston Review Short Fiction Competition, the William Faulkner-William Wisdom Award for the Short Story, the Dana Award, the Arts & Letters Prize for Fiction, the North American Review's Kurt Vonnegut Prize, the Missouri Review's Editor's Prize, the Sycamore Review's Wabash Prize, the Briar Cliff Review's Short Fiction Prize, the H. E. Francis Prize, the New Millennium Writings Fiction Award on four separate occasions, an Elizabeth George Fellowship and a Sherwood Anderson Foundation Writers Grant. His stories have been short-listed for the O. Henry Award, Best American Short Stories, Best American Nonrequired Reading and the Pushcart Prize anthology on numerous occasions. His nonfiction has appeared in The New York Times, New York Post, New York Daily News, Chicago Tribune, San Francisco Chronicle, and numerous other regional newspapers. Jacob holds graduate degrees from Brown University, Columbia University's College of Physicians and Surgeons, Harvard Law School, New York University's MFA program in fiction and Albany Medical College's Alden March Institute of Bioethics. He taught for many years at Brown University and currently teaches at the Gotham Writers' Workshop and the Mount Sinai School of Medicine.
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