Goodreads: The Venue That Can Make Your Writing Career Video Download
- You are a writer who wants to foster word-of-mouth viral marketing
- You are a writer who has finished books or will be launching a title in the future
- You are a writer who isn't currently utilizing Goodreads
- You are a writer who has tried to use Goodreads but became confused or overwhelmed
No other social networking site is more important for a writer to leverage than Goodreads. Other platforms such as Twitter and Facebook have people talking about everything from politics and current events to showing off foodie pictures. Only Goodreads is entirely dedicated to bibliophiles. But with204,000 authors vying for the attention of 50 million unique monthly visitors, how can you find an audience?
The answer is you learn from an expert, and Michael J. Sullivan and his wife, Robin, are exactly that. Goodreads has featured Michael in presentations made at Book Expo America, and Goodreads' Director of Author Marketing cited him as “one of the most effective authors on Goodreads" in a Forbes article on author branding. The techniques the pair have perfected have made Michael one of the most followed authors on the site (#41 in the US and #45 globally).
In this live webinar, the Sullivans will share specific tasks for writers at every stage of their career. Even aspiring authors can get a jump on building an audience. Plus, they'll be able to steer you away from potential pitfalls that could end up alienating rather than gaining readers.
- How to build your Goodreads author page for maximum effectiveness and how to adjust it at various career stages
- How to utilize Goodreads to generate pre-release buzz
- How to maximize Goodreads' feeds to build an audience
- How to avoid pitfalls when interacting with individuals or groups that can get you banned (or worse)
- How to creatively utilize fringe features of the site to get even more exposure
- How to adjust your strategies as your audience grows
Michael J. Sullivan is a publishing veteran who has used a wide range of tools including: self-publishing, small-press, big-five, Kickstarter, print-only, foreign translations, and audio. He has multiple big-five contracts for six- and seven-figures, sold more than 1,000,000 English language copies, and has 65+ foreign language translations. His books are highly praised and have appeared on 150+ best-of or most-anticipated lists including those compiled by Library Journal, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Goodreads, and Audible.com.
NOTE: Writer's Digest does not offer refunds for OnDemand Webinars. All sales are final. OnDemand Webinars do NOT include a critique.