How to Find the Right Agent for Your Book (and Your Career)
- You're a writer who wants to be expertly informed member of the publishing community
- You're a writer who is on the fence about getting an agent
- You're a writer who wants an agent and want to pick the right one
- You're a writer who wants to learn how to get the most out of the agent/author relationship
Literary Agents can sometimes seem like mysterious masterminds of the publishing world. But they're just like any other publishing professional: dedicated to finding wonderful books and sharing them with the world. Of course, a lot goes into that noble goal. In this presentation, you'll learn what agents do, what they don't do, and how to find the right agent for your career.
From industry standard terms and commission rates, to communication guidelines and a general list of duties, this presentation de-mystifies the role a literary agent can play in your writing career. You'll finally understand how agents are paid and what services they actually provide. You'll get answers to questions like: How fast should I expect an agent to respond to me? Will an agent help me edit my book or brainstorm ideas? Don't agents just go to three-martini lunches all day and cash my checks? And can an agent really make a difference for my book?
Kate McKean has been a literary agent with the Howard Morhaim Literary Agency for over 7 years and works with all kinds of authors-from traditional novelists to tech-savvy bloggers to indie authors making the switch (and traditional authors switching to indie publishing). This informative webinar gives you the inside scoop on agents-right from the source.
- The hallmarks of a good agent
- The hallmarks of a not-so-good agent
- Response and communication standards
- An agent's daily workload and how you fit into it
- How to decide if an agent is right for you
- What to ask an agent when deciding to sign with one
- Where to find agents, and how to choose who to query
- What to do if you've signed with the wrong agent
Kate McKean is a literary agent at the Howard Morhaim Literary Agency in Brooklyn, NY. She's worked on all types of books, including the New York Times Bestsellers: blog based humor book I CAN HAS CHEEZBURGER? And YA horror novel ASYLUM, by Madeleine Roux, and has a robust client list in the areas of adult and YA fiction, fantasy, science fiction, literary fiction, humor, craft, and sports. Before starting her agenting career, she earned her Master's in Fiction Writing at the University of Southern Mississippi.
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