How to Sell Your Young Adult Novel
- You are a writer who is working on revisions
- You are a writer who is looking to get your next book under contract
- You are a writer who is working on your debut
- You are a writer who is just starting to develop your next work
- You are a writers who is looking how to connect more with the teen market
- You are a writer who wants to learn more about perfecting the teen voice
Want to write a commercial young adult (YA) novel to get the attention it deserves? Hoping to sign with an agent to sell your YA novel? Hoping to get contracted for your next YA project?
No matter what stage you are in publishing, literary agent, Katie Shea Boutillier is here to help you get your YA novel in shape for a sale. Editors want books that speak to them. Publishers are looking for teen projects with voices that jump off the page, characters that readers can immediately connect with, and storylines that grab your attention from page one and all the way to the end of the book. Dip into Katie's knowledge in how to create that teen voice that feels unique and fresh to the page.
Katie helps you get closer to your main character and to not be afraid to express the main character's opinions on the page. She also focuses on the development of the supporting cast of characters - how to make characters likable, others mysterious, some funny, and others interesting. Katie teaches you how to put tension on page 1 while weaving in the backstory, yet keeping the hook as the force of the pages turning. Katie also helps you understand how to set the tone - how to appropriate express your teen voice to reflect the main storyline. Depending on the premise, the tone the author expresses through the characters of the novel makes such a huge difference. Everything needs to be in sync.
Lastly, Katie touches on how all teen novels should have a reference to what is happening in the characters' world. If the story is set in modern times of today, make sure the storyline relates to issues important to teens. If it's a historical YA novel, make sure to touch on issues of that time period and if fantasy - create ones that seem relevant to that world. Create universal topics that all teens, depending on the setting, will be able to connect to.
- How to create a teen voice that is unique yet jumps off the page
- Character development of the supporting cast of characters - how to make them likable, interesting, mysterious, etc.
- How to create tension on page one and be able to weave in backstory with the main hook
- How to balance the tone of the story with the premise
- How to incorporate important universal issues that will relate to teens no matter what backdrop, setting or world
Katie Shea Boutillier has been with the Donald Maass Literary Agency since October 2011. She is the Rights Director handling the agency's translation and audio rights, and selected film/TV and electronic rights. In addition, Katie specializes in commercial women's fiction, contemporary YA and narrative non-fiction. She looks for projects with the perfect balance of plot and emotion. She loves novels with big voices, imperfect characters and storylines that relate to modern issues. She is a cum laude graduate of Marist College.