How to Submit Your Book to Agents: Take the Right First Steps on Your Road to Publication
- You've finished your novel manuscript and are starting to consider submitting to agents
- You're a nonfiction writer with a full proposal who needs to know the next steps to take
- You're confused by the query process and need more information
- You are in the middle of the editing process and want to work ahead to prepare for submitting your work when it is completed
Sometimes writing the book is the easy part! The road to finding an agent for your work can be difficult, frustrating, and laden with contradictory advice. Literary agent Kate McKean gives you a road map for finding not just ‘an agent' but rather the ‘right agent' for your work.
There are hundreds of literary agents in the U.S. alone; however, their information is not conveniently collated on one or two websites that you can easily search to find the perfect one for your work. Wouldn't that be nice if it were true! Because it isn't, you need to be armed with the tools and resources to find and decode the information across the web that will lead you to the agents looking for work just like yours,right now.
Finding an agent for your work is very important, but finding the ‘right agent' is mandatory if you wish to achieve your traditional publishing goals. This presentation discusses how and where to search for agents in your genre, how to tell if they are the right agent for you, and how to plan your submission. Kate also discusses how you determine whether your work is ready for submission in the first place.
Kate McKean covers the ever-important submission etiquette (so you don't ruin your chances before you even get started), Query Letters 101, and the many, many dos and don't of sharing your work with agents. She goes over what next steps you can take if you don't find your best agent match.
Finding the right agent is the first step (after finishing the book) on the road to meeting your publishing goals and should not be taken lightly. With the information from this presentation, you'll be well on your way!
Runtime: 104 minutes
- How and where to look for agents hungry for new writing in your genre
- How, when, and in what format to submit work to agents
- How to decipher the contradictory advice blogs about what you should and should not do when submitting your work
- Query Letters 101: What you need to know
- Submission Etiquette: The absolute dos and don'ts
- How not to go crazy while your book is on submission
- What questions to ask agents when you get ‘The Call'
- What to do if no agent bites
Kate McKean is a literary agent at the Howard Morhaim Literary Agency in Brooklyn, NY, where she has worked for seven years. She earned her Master's in Fiction Writing at the University of Southern Mississippi, and enjoys both the creative and business aspects of her job. Her clients include the NEW YORK TIMES bestselling humor book I CAN HAS CHEEZBURGER?, YA and Adult Fantasy writer Delilah S. Dawson, and blogger, designer, and creativity expert Noah Scalin. She is most interested in contemporary women's fiction, middle grade and young adult fiction.
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