Marketing Short Fiction: The Art & Science of Literary Publishing Video Download
The age of the computer and the Internet has led to an explosion of outlets for short fiction. Literally several thousand journals, both in print and on line, offer respectable venues for publication. How should an aspiring author choose among them? And what are the secrets to success in the publication game? In this tutorial, Jacob Appel offers his "tricks of the trade" on such subjects as market selection and submission, contests, cover letters, "best of" anthologies, red flags, how to build a portfolio that appeals to agents, and how to market a collection. In doing so, he'll demystify the submission and selection process, ultimately leading to a more impressive acceptance to submission ratio. While writing is an art, publishing short fiction is as much a science as a creative endeavor--one that the determined and informed student can master. After devoting so much time, energy, and emotion to creating short stories why should an author leave publication to chance?
In this 45-minute video tutorial, you'll learn:
- How to increase your odds of publication
- How editors choose what short stories to publish
- How to more effectively prepare your work for submission
- How to select the best, most receptive markets for your work
Jacob M. Appel's first novel, The Man Who Wouldn't Stand Up, won the 2012 Dundee International Book Award and was published by Cargo. His short story collection, Scouting for the Reaper, won the 2012 Hudson Prize and was published by Black Lawrence Press. Jacob's short fiction has appeared in more than two hundred literary journals including Agni, Colorado Review, Gettysburg Review, Michigan Quarterly Review, Virginia Quarterly Review and many others. To highlight just a few of his achievements, his prose has won the Boston Review Short Fiction Competition, the William Faulkner-William Wisdom Award for the Short Story, the North American Review's Kurt Vonnegut Prize, the Missouri Review's Editor's Prize, the New Millennium Writings Fiction Award on four occasions, an Elizabeth George Fellowship and a Sherwood Anderson Foundation Writers Grant. His stories have been short-listed for the O. Henry Award (2001), Best American Short Stories (2007, 2008, 2013), Best American Nonrequired Reading (2007, 2008), and the Pushcart Prize anthology (2005, 2006, 2011, 2014). His essays have appeared in The New York Times, The Chicago Tribune, Detroit Free Press, Orlando Sentinel, The Providence Journal and many regional newspapers.