Patricia V. Davis: 60-Minute Consultation Session
Patricia V. Davis is a best-selling non-fiction author. Her latest works are The Secret Spice Cafe Trilogy: three magical realism novels set aboard the historic RMS Queen Mary. They are, respectively, Cooking for Ghosts (2016) Spells and Oregano (2017) and Demons, Well-Seasoned (2019). Patricia has spoken at various writers conferences, including the Writer's Digest Conference, the San Francisco Writers Conference, StokerCon and more. She has conducted webinars for Writer's Digest and others, as well as week-long writing and book marketing workshops overseas for the writer with wanderlust. Patricia is known in the industry for her successful and creative book events enjoyed by both readers and writers, and her presentations at workshops and conferences are considered to be both fun and very helpful.
Consultation Time: 30/60 minutes
Connection Method: Phone, Skype (customer's choice)
Patricia is available to consult on these topics:
Platform Consultations
Patricia will help you to develop a platform (or brand) for your book. Consultation includes how to determine who your readers are - age, sex, interests - and how to draw that particular reader to your work through targeted online marketing and carefully planned literary events. You'll discuss with Patricia what your concerns are about platform building, such as fear of public speaking or dislike of blogging, and she'll suggest alternatives that custom fit your comfort and skill levels to maximize your chances of standing out in the crowded marketplace.
How to Secure Bookshop Events for Your New Book
Consultation includes the different steps one needs to take to introduce your book to local and distant bookshops, whether self published or legacy published, how to work with the bookshop on selling terms to carry the book, how to plan a literary event for success, what to do once an event is booked to maximize attendance, and what the follow up should be after the event. Note: If you are self-publishing, this consultation should take place before you decide on which method to use, because some methods of self-publishing leave no profit margin to sell to a bookshop.
How to Draw in More Readers for Your Book
Patricia will show you how to maximize your work's exposure to readers through blogging, online marketing, targeted literary events and carefully cultivated email lists.
Utilizing Facebook and Other Social Media to Build Your Author Brand
Facebook can be far more than chatting with close friends or posting rants about politics and photos of our cats. Facebook can be used to draw readers to you. Patricia will first review your Facebook page and online presence, then talks with you about your work, giving targeted suggestions for improvement, such as what might be added to the Facebook page or taken away, when and how to post, what to post, and how what you do on Facebook (or any other online medium for that matter) can build or destroy your brand and reputation.
I urge you to check out Patricia's site and see her when she's speaking in your area. Many writers told me her discussion at The Writers Digest Conference of "Book or Best Seller" was the best session they attended.
- Jeanne Veillette Bowerman, Write On Online
Patricia V. Davis's Writers Forum workshop was amazing. If you ever have a chance to hear her speak, go for it. You won't be disappointed. Her talk was fun, lively and full of helpful information about platform building for writers.
- Marlene Cullen, founder, Writers Forum Workshop
Writing to readers: that's the through-line of the wisdom Patricia V. Davis shares. An author (both traditionally and independently published) and a publisher in her own right, Patricia talks her walk. She has made it her business to follow the breaking transformations of publishing dispassionately, mining real data and listening to all sides in order to enlighten those of us who are less in-the-know. Savvy, inventive, engaging, she's a hell of a teacher. She focuses on what's true and what matters--then downloads all sorts of practical tools. It's memorable stuff. It works. I'm still applying her lessons years later as I shape and promote my written work. Thank you, Patricia!
- Anthony Ziccardi, Former VP, Deputy Publisher at Simon and Schuster