Phantom Scribe: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Ghostwriting
You know all those movie star autobiographies? Professional athlete memoirs?
CEO advice tomes? Guess what. The people whose names are on the books didn't
write them. They got help, and lots of it. The ghosts who wrote those words and
gave shape to the stories are among the most valued of writers, and in today's
world of constant communication and multiple platforms, they are more prized
than ever.
In this tutorial, sought-after ghost I.J. Schecter throws back the curtain to
explain how ghostwriting works, where the assignments come from, and how to
make the most of ghosting opportunities, not only via books, but also in areas
you might not have thought to pursue. Ghostwriting can be a fun, rewarding and
lucrative way to advance and diversify your writing career.
In this 57-minute tutorial video, you will learn:
- What ghostwriting means
- The many different ways in which ghostwriters are used and needed, from traditional books to personal projects to corporate assignments
- How in the heck you're supposed to market, or solicit referrals for, a skill that is by nature anonymous
- How to negotiate a successful ghostwriting contract, including determining rates
- The pitfalls and red flags particular to ghostwriting, and how you can address them before they become problems
- How to establish and maintain successful ghosting relationships
- How to effectively integrate ghostwriting with your “visible" writing career
Phantom Scribe is taught by I.J. Schecter. In addition to being an award-winning, bestselling author, I.J. is the ghostwriter behind multiple popular titles over the past several years, from top business books to leading personal memoirs. He is based in Toronto, where everyone is currently apologizing for being named the best city in the world to live.