Podcasting as a Tool for Writers
Looking for ways to reach your readers, build your writer platform, and sell more books? Podcasting , the act of creating online audio/video content that people can listen to whenever and wherever they like (comparable to "radio on demand"),is a growing and effective method to stand out as an author and find writing success.
This session, taught by platform guru Mare Swallow, is a brand new, intensive webinar that will teach writers what podcasts are and how to use them to connect with an audience – before or after publication. Learn the benefits of podcasting, how it can help increase your author web presence, and what free or low-cost tools are available to you.
What You'll Learn
- What audio and video podcasting are, and how it can help you increase your visibility
- Tools to begin podcasting
- Where to post your podcasts
- How to use them as a promotional tool
- Additional free and low-cost resources to help you get started
Marianna (Mare) Swallow is the producer and host of the Chicago Publishes Podcast. She teaches public speaking and presentation skills, and coaches authors on public appearances. She is also the founder of the Chicago Writers Conference. A latent actress, she builds her platform by teaching, speaking, podcasting, and writing. See her in action at MariannaSwallow.com.
Who should attend?
- Writers who want to add a new, easy tool to develop or expand their platform
- Writers who want to learn new, creative ways to showcase their work and build an audience
- Writers who want to build their web presence and establish themselves as experts in their field
OnDemand Webinars do not include a critique.
Writer's Digest does not offer any refunds for the webinar. All sales are final.