Selling a Middle Grade Novel in Today's Publishing Market OnDemand Webinar
- Tips on writing today's marketable MG novel
- How to write strong first pages
- Tips on the actual querying/pitching process
- Key MG resources; key revising resources
- Resources and tips for what to do after the sale
In today's publishing climate, kidlit is the place to be. It's never been a more exciting time to write books for kids, and ever since Harry Potter, the marketplace has expanded in scope and revenue.
Unlike the Young Adult (YA) and adult markets, Middle Grade (MG) isn't oversaturated and doesn't chase trends. Today, the market has changed since we were introduced to Hogwarts, but kids are reading more than ever-and books have the power to be an important part of their journey as they grow into adults. However, writing for kids isn't easy-they're sometimes the toughest critics. In this live webinar, we'll discuss the key elements in what makes a novel for children successful in today's market.
Seven years ago while assisting a literary agent, Suzie sold her first project at auction less than three months after finding it in the query pile. Since then she has represented dozens of authors publishing commercial and literary works of all subgenres. She's sold Middle Grade novels to all the major publishers and many have gone on to become bestselling and award winning novels. She'll share with you what you need to do in order to write and pitch a Middle Grade novel for today's market.
Prior to joining New Leaf, Suzie Townsend graduated film school, earned her Masters of Education, taught high school English, and coached a swim team. In her spare time, she read everything she could, which prompted her move to publishing. As a literary agent, she represents all brands of children's and adult fiction. She loves women's fiction, all subgenres of romance, crime fiction, YA and MG. Suzie loves strong characters and voice-driven stories that break out of the typical tropes of their genres, and she's always looking for unique new voices in stories. You can follow her on Twitter: @sztownsend81.
NOTE: Writer's Digest does not offer refunds for OnDemand Webinars. All sales are final. OnDemand Webinars do NOT include a critique.