Slush Pile Showdown: How to Make Your Submission Stand Out, Part 2 Video Download
- You are interested in how the query process works
- You are a writer whose queries aren't getting the responses you want
- You are a writer wondering if your query is ready to go
- You are a writer with questions about writing queries or the process of querying literary agents
For this presentation, literary agents Barbara Poelle and Holly Root pull back the curtain and show you exactly what goes on when an agent reads your query. In their simulated slush pile, they critiqued submitted queries live and gave insights into which ones stand out and why, how the queries could be improved, and common pitfalls to avoid. You get a peek into what it's like to be an agent sitting down, hoping to strike gold in the slush pile, and learn how to make your submission stand out. Your query is your first introduction to the world, so join us for a fun, kind-spirited but honest look at how to get noticed, get requested, and get signed!WHAT YOU'LL LEARN:
- How to craft a query that will get attention
- Why querying isn't a useless evil exercise in torture
- Common missteps and how to avoid them
- What agents are looking for when they read
- Which “rules" really matter and which ones are matters of opinion
- What it's like to be an agent reading through submissions
- If your query is ready for prime time
- What to do if your query isn't ready
Holly Root is a literary agent at Waxman Leavell Literary Agency who represents adult fiction, select nonfiction, and novels for children and teens; she is not seeking picture book clients or screenwriting clients. She heads up a Los Angeles office for the New York City-based Waxman Leavell Agency. Visit her online at www.publishersmarketplace.com/members/hroot, www.waxmanleavell.com, and www.twitter.com/hroot.
Barbara Poelle is Vice President at Irene Goodman Literary Agency representing fiction for teens and adults. Her roster trends toward thriller and suspenseful women's fiction as well as mystery, young adult and horror. Barbara also writes a monthly Q&A column for Writer's Digest magazine and has previously signed three clients from attendees of her Writer's Digest webinars. Visit www.irenegoodman.com to learn more.
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