Success Strategies for a 6-Figure Freelance Writing Business OnDemand Webinar
Freelance writing success depends as much on solid business systems and practices as it does on great writing. In this 58-minute presentation, author and entrepreneur Sage Cohen shares the top five success strategies she's used to build and sustain a six-figure writing business for 20+ years. From managing time, money, and projects to building your brand, customer base, and presence in the market, you learn how to lay a foundation of productivity and prosperity for your writing business. So your best writing can fund your best life.
Sage Cohen is the author of Fierce on the Page, The Productive Writer, and Writing the Life Poetic,all from Writer's Digest Books,and the poetry collection Like the Heart, the World. As Chief Executive Storyteller of Sage Cohen Global since 1997, she develops communication, education, and empowerment solutions that help people and businesses change the conversation. Sage offers information and inspiration for writers at sagecohen.com.