Writer's Workbook 2017 Download
Writer's Digest Yearbook Presents:
Writer's Workbook 2017
The Writer's Workbook: Your Ultimate Craft & Technique Guide focuses on tips and techniques for better writing of all types (fiction and nonfiction) and all forms (books, articles, etc.) with a balanced mix of how-tos, exercises, and hands-on worksheets. As hefty as a book but as timely as a magazine, this comprehensive issue's articles are divided into sections covering every aspect of the novel writing process.
Essentials of the Craft
Kick-Start Your Creativity Banish the blank page with these 19 prompts to get the words flowing. by Bonnie Neubauer
The Fine Art of Creativity Artists of all stripes share 6 universal lessons for living a more creative life. by Leigh Anne Jasheway
Revamp Your Routine Bestselling happiness guru Gretchen Rubin shares her best strategies for creating writing habits that play to your strengths. by Debbie Harmsen
Goal-Setting for the Realistic Writer Learn how to set goals you can stick to by sidestepping the one-size-fits-all mindset and assessing your personal strengths, limitations and preferences. by Erika Liodice
Put a Ring On It Is your story idea "The One"? These pointers will help you narrow the field. by Erika Robuck
Something Old, Something New There's no shame in taking inspiration from work you admire. Here's how to mine familiar territory for undiscovered gold,and make it your own. by Jeff Somers
Organize Your (Writing) Life Simplify the administrative tasks of writing,keeping track of submissions, payments, pitches and more,with these 6 simple tools you can customize or download for free. by Tyler Moss
Nonfiction Techniques
Writing About Writers After years editing such talents as Hunter S. Thompson and Kurt Vonnegut, Terry McDonell picked up his own pen to sh ow the rest of us what can be learned from The Accidental Life. by Tyler Moss
Freelance Fundamentals Strengthen your grip on the most popular forms of magazine and web articles, and you'll be landing bylines in no time. by Zachary Petit
Travel Tales The writer's role in travel stories shouldn't be overemphasized,but it shouldn't be moot, either. These tips will help you strike the right balance. by L. Peat O'Neil
Life in Pieces Intimidated by the prospect of writing a full memoir? Try it in miniature. by Richard Campbell
In Your Own Words The best personal essays resonate, enlighten and empower through 7 key components. Use these tips to unlock the power of one. by Peter Bricklebrack
Fire in the Belly Look for ways to kindle the underlying conflict in your personal writing, and you'll ignite the hearts of your readers. by Dinty W. Moore
Dave Cullen, Truth-Teller Bestselling Columbine author Dave Cullen has mastered the art of narrative storytelling. The award-winning journalist shares his secret to compelling nonfiction, and explains why, for him, "truth is the only boundary." by Lindsey O'Connor
The Savvy Writer's Guide to Proposals Selling agents and publishers on your nonfiction project is no easy task,especially in the digital age. Put your proposal through these paces, and you'll up your chances of finding a place on the shelf. by Jane Friedman
Fiction Techniques
Words That Bind It all starts with a memorable first line, followed by an attention-grabbing first paragraph. Here's how to build a strong first chapter, link by link. by Jeff Somers
Make Your Voice Heard When your story's point of view and narrative voice are in harmony, your pages will sing. Use these guidelines to strike the right tone. by Jordan Rosenfeld
A Time & Place for Everything How well you convey your story's setting can make or break your narrative. Use these 4 tools to get it right. by Elizabeth Nunez
Excel(lent) Outlines Sometimes what a story really needs is a structure,from the very start. See how spreadsheets can help organize and plan your plot, characters and more. by Michael J. Martinez
More Than a Feeling On the page as in life, emotion and feeling are not interchangeable. Understand the nuanced differences between the two, and you'll strengthen the bonds between readers, character and story. by David Corbett
Scott Turow, Writer's Advocate Two-time Authors Guild president Scott Turow gives testimony on his commitment to the common good,both in court and on the page. by Tyler Moss
To Make a Long Story Short Writing flash fiction challenges you to compress nuance and complexity into 1,500 words or fewer,while stretching your writing skills to new levels. by Fred D. White
Built to Last Crafting a strong story from the ground up requires planning, know-how and elbow grease. Keep these tools at your disposal to get the job done right. by Heather Webb