Writer's Digest January/February 2024 Digital Edition
Hook Your Readers
At the start of a new year, as writers rededicate themselves to their writing and publishing goals, we offer an issue full of ways to help them hook their readers.
+ WD Interview with Michael Cunningham: Best known for his 1998 Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, The Hours, Michael Cunningham spoke with WD about Day, his first novel in nearly 10 years. By Amy Jones
+ Writing Realistic Kids in Adult Fiction: WD Editor-at-Large Jessica Strawser shares nine tips for writing more authentic children characters. By Jessica Strawser
+ Thematic Writing: How to use symbols and allegory to add richness and depth to your writing. By Jane Cleland
+ First Things First: How to make the most out of titles and first lines in microfiction. By Ran Walker
+ The Prohibition Against Prologues: Why all the fuss and how to make them work. By Tiffany Yates Martin
+ Writing Blockbuster Fiction: Mastering the Art of Cinematic Storytelling: Infuse your writing with Hollywood flair by employing top screenwriting techniques. By Ryan G. Van Cleave
+ Your Book’s Next Chapter: When and how you can republish your book after contract termination or rights reversion. By Amy Cook
Plus, readers will find articles about writing secondary characters that grab readers’ attention and how to create tantalizing titles for nonfiction articles. Readers will also learn to shift their mindset when it comes to marketing their books, what pitfalls to avoid when self-publishing picture books, and crucial content editing skills. All this in addition to columns like Level Up Your Writing (Life), Poetic Asides, Building Better Worlds, Meet the Agent, On Nonfiction, and more.