Writing the Story Ending that Gets the Best Deal

Writing the Story Ending that Gets the Best Deal

  • $79.00
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  • You are a writer who is planning a story before beginning a draft
  • You are a writer with a manuscript that has a flat/clunky ending
  • You are a writer who wants more than a ‚Äúfight scene" for an ending
  • You are a writer with a draft that doesn't have an ending on the horizon


We know that agents, publishers, and readers are looking for a killer premise, something that draws them to your story. But a quieter truth, one that can get your novel or screenplay sold, is that these same three constituencies care desperately about how your story will end. A great ending can elevate a B story to an A-level of overall effectiveness. Likewise, a B/C-level ending can sink an A-level premise.

Too many writers pitch and even write their stories without a clear ending in mind. This can work, it's all a part of the author's chosen writing process, but the cost of this approach is the inability to pitch and then leverage the ending during the writing process. If the ending works, if it rocks the reader's world, it becomes the most powerful and addictive part of the pitch itself.

During this presentation, author and creator of Storyfix.com, Larry Brooks, breaks effective endings down into their core elements across multiple categories, using examples and benchmarks to show how they are not only natural and organic culminations of your dramatic sequence, but how – when done right – they can be designed to penetrate the heart and mind of readers in ways that… well, leaves a mark.


  • The various categories of endings, with plusses and minuses of each
  • How and why the ending begins with your first scene
  • The emotional forces at work behind the scenes of your ending
  • How to leverage the power of your ending to develop the body of the story
  • Common ending mistakes that can sink your entire story
  • What ‚Äúresolution" really means
  • How ending connects to character arc
  • How to end an installment in a series
  • How to end an ‚Äúanti-hero" story
  • How to avoid the dreaded deus ex machina
  • What satisfies, what doesn't
  • Acid tests for endings that work


Larry Brooks is the creator of Storyfix.com, one of the hottest writing sites on the internet. He is the author of six psychological thrillers, as well as the bestselling writing books, Story Engineering, and the recently published Story Physics (both from Writers Digest Books). Publishers Weekly reviewers comment frequently on his endings, which he insists are the centerpiece of his story planning process, and can be engineered for maximum reader impact once the author understands the criteria to make that happen.

NOTE: Writer's Digest does not offer refunds for OnDemand Webinars. All sales are final. OnDemand Webinars do NOT include a critique.

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