The Killer Query
The Killer Query Bundle brings together the Writer's Digest Shop's favorite querying resources for writers of all genres, covering everything from submission materials to insider tips from literary agents. In one bundle, you can get seven OnDemand Webinars, the September/October 2022 Digital Edition of Writer's Digest, our 2023 Writer's Yearbook, and the Get Published in 2023: Breaking in Resource Directory Digital Guide. We know how intimidating it can be to start the querying process, so to ease some of the stress, we're offering all these resources with an 86% discount. With the Killer Query Bundle, you can save your money while learning how to create a query that will have agents clamoring for the opportunity to represent your work!
Querying for Success (OnDemand Webinar): In this OnDemand webinar, instructor and literary agent Carlisle Webber shows you how to grab an agent's attention with your query letter. After sharing the essentials of query writing and answering some questions many writers have (such as How can I make my query stand out if it's formatted just like everyone else's?), Webber gives examples of great query letters. Learn some of the common mistakes that stop agents from requesting pages based on your query letter. ($79.99 value)
Querying: Take a Breath, You Got This (OnDemand Webinar): Nobody warns you that writing the query is a thousand times harder than writing the novel. In three hundred short words, you need to capture a literary agent’s attention, explain your novel’s main characters and plot, and summarize your own accolades . . . all while following strict guidelines and walking the tight-rope of confidence vs. arrogance vs. desperation. In this OnDemand webinar, bestselling author Nathan Makaryk shares his experience, discusses his own path to publication, and gives examples of common query pitfalls. ($79.99 value)
How to Attract an Agent: From Query to Career (OnDemand Webinar): In this OnDemand webinar, literary agent Andrea Somberg discusses the four major factors that determine every agent’s decision. She demystifies the process and explains the strategic questions that every agent asks, helping you position your project for optimal success. She reveals the steps to crafting a query letter that will yield results and multiple manuscript requests, and the steps to finding an agent that will help you realize your dreams. ($79.99 value)
The Successful Synopsis: How to Write a Compelling Summary (OnDemand Webinar): When preparing submission materials, it can often prove difficult for writers to craft a compelling synopsis. As a literary agent, Kaitlyn Johnson has read countless synopses in her query box and has edited submission materials in multiple genres through her business Strictly Textual. In this OnDemand webinar, Kaitlyn discusses how to incorporate voice into your synopsis, how to organize your plot points, and how to decide which details to include that will compel an agent or editor to eagerly move on to your first pages. ($79.99 value)
10 Mistakes Writers Make When Submitting to Agents (Tutorial): The last response a writer wants when submitting their work is an immediate rejection. Many of these rejections come from simple mistakes writers make, causing agents to say no to the submission before they even read a single word! Whether you write children's books, memoir, nonfiction, or anything in between, this tutorial will help you avoid making mistakes that'll automatically doom your project. ($29.99 value)
What an Agent Really Thinks While Reading Queries, Parts 1-3: A Query-A-Thon with Literary Agents Kate McKean & Jim McCarthy (OnDemand Webinar): Both Kate and Jim read all of their own submissions, which works out to hundreds of queries every month. Each signs on only about 1% of what they see. So how do you clear the gauntlet? Why aren't agents requesting your material? And what can you do about it? In this kind (but honest) presentation, you'll finally have a chance to see exactly what you're up against. The recording includes all THREE recorded webinars and Q&A sessions, and contains 25 query letter critiques from a variety of categories and genres including Young Adult, Memoir, Science Fiction, Fantasy, etc. ($129.99 value)
How to Hook an Agent: Queries and Beyond! (OnDemand Webinar): No matter what you've experienced, every author's goal is to hook a fantastic agent who adores their project, and someone who will work hard for them and fight for their special place in the literary market. In this OnDemand Webinar, Katie Shea Boutillier explores exactly what agents are looking for in clients; from the query letter, to the book concept, to the author's brand, and to overall career expectations/goals. ($79.99 value)
Writer's Digest September/October 2022 (Digital Edition): As the nights start to get longer, the leaves start changing colors, and Halloween decorations start making their appearance, writers start turning to the darker, more haunting themes in their work. And so does Writer’s Digest in the September/October issue, themed around Sinister Stories. It covers everything from writing evil characters to writing horror microfiction to how to avoid scams that would turn one’s publishing life into a horror story. ($7.99 value)
Get Published in 2023 Bundle (Digital Guides): This bundle includes our Get Published in 2023: Breaking In Resource Directory Digital Guide and our Writer's Yearbook 2023 (Digital Edition), to jumpstart your writing career in 2023. It's everything you need to help you get published and at a discounted rate! ($19.99 value)