Breaking into Hollywood A.S.A.P. OnDemand Webinar
Screenwriting and directing are careers that require a specific plan to execute in order to attain the desired results. Many talented screenwriters or directors will never achieve success without having certain business know how. Learning about the business of writing and directing is impossible without an insider revealing the knowledge essential to significantly increase the chances of success.
Sammy has represented experienced and some newbie writers and directors in his career as a literary manager. He will share with you the essentials to have in your arsenal before seeking representation, how to assemble a near perfect plan to success, and how and when to seek representation.
Learn how agents think, the many methods of attracting agents attention, and what to do until the talent is in a position to get signed by an effective agent. Numerous pros and cons exist for each method of attracting agents but in the end the method is secondary to the willingness of a talent to execute persistent action.
- How to form an effective long term career plan
- When to approach agents
- What you should have ready before approaching agents
- Should you get an agent OR manager first
- How to know what kind of material will get you "heat"
- What questions to ask agents and managers before signing
- How to know when it's time to cut your losses and leave the profession
- Writers who are looking to break in with a great writing sample
- Directors who are looking to break in with a unique and effective short or full length feature film
- Writers and directors who are at a crossroads in their careers
- Writers and directors who encounter major roadblocks and do not know how to break through them
- Writers and Directors who think creativity is all it takes to succeed
- Writers and Directors who live anywhere
- Writers and Directors who are not getting the business answers they need either because they do not have a mentor or have an ineffective one