Writer's Digest June 2008 (PDF)
You'll Love This Digital Issue If:
- You're looking for destinations that are perfect for writing
- You are a fan of Sara Gruen, author of Water For Elephants
- You have a case of writer's block
This issue of Writer's Digest explores literary hotspots from all over the U.S., including Boston, San Francisco, New York City, Miami, Seattle, and more.
If you are stuck in a rut, read our guide to pushing past writer's block. We asked several famous authors how they overcome writer's block. And if you have some spare time, browse our annual list of the 101 best websites for writers.
Plus, you'll find plenty of exercises. For example, if you are a fiction writer, try your hand at writing titles or practice choosing the right words when writing poems.
In This Issue You'll Learn:
- How to land a nationally syndicated column
- How successful published authors overcome writer's block
- How to sell article reprints
What You'll Find Inside This Issue:
Literary Hot Spotsby Kevin Alexander, Jordan E. Rosenfeld, Sarah Walker, Natalia Maldonado & Jack Clemens
Your essential guide to living the lit life in Boston, San Franciso, New York City, Miami and more.
by Jordan E. Rosenfeld
Sara Gruen delivered a phenomenal bestseller with Water for Elephants. Find out how her passion for animals led to her breakthrough success story.
Writer's Block Moves
by Terry Bisson
Stuck in a rut? Read our irreverent guide to pushing past writer's block.
101 Best Websites for Writers
by Brian A. Klems
Whether you're looking for quotes, advice, markets, critiques,or just a place to meet other writers online,we've got you covered. Our annual roundup of websites is here, so grab your computer and start surfing.
Emotional Rescue
by Kara Gebhart Uhl
Robert Brandt's riveting story of an E.R. resident trying to save the life of a teenager took this year's grand prize in our short short story competition. PLUS: A complete list of the top 25 winners.
Questions & Quandaries
by Brian A. Klems
The definition of a blog, lawyer fees and using Wikipedia.
Ask the Pro: Moving with the Trends
by Jordan E. Rosenfeld
A literary agent who represents both fiction and nonfiction on finding the right fit.
First Impressions: The Power of Persistence
by Jordan E. Rosenfeld
A writer finds success with an ode to the comic book genre. PLUS: More notable debuts.
This Writer's Life: Instant Blogification
by Kevin Alexander
Just because you can post anything on a blog doesn't mean you should.
On the Edge: Boomer Lit
by Jordan E. Rosenfeld
Books written by baby boomers are reaching a critical mass.
The Sentence Sleuth: It Was a Bad and Boring Sentence
by Bonnie Trenga
Forget your grammar and instead focus on style.
Your Story: Wednesday's Exposure
by Michelle Weidenbenner
The winning entry of contest #10. PLUS: Your Story #12 prompt.
The Conference Scene: Book Passage Travel Writers & Photographers Conference
by Linda Formichelli
Mingle with the best travel writers in the business.
Postscript: Lonely Town
by Marc Weingarten
On being an author in Hollywood.
- The Syndication Blues
- The Roeder Report: Just Trying to Be Nice
- Former Self-Pub Competition Winner Lands Book Contract
- Fiction: titles
- Nonfiction: Q&As
- Poetry: word choice
- Marketing: reprints