How Do Editors & Agents Decide? OnDemand Webinar
Learn what catches the eye of an agent or editor - whether it's fiction or nonfiction - and how to make your project stand out from the crowd.
Why do some projects get picked out of the pile by agents and editors while most do not? It's because great books that catch the eyes of the pros are a combination of an excellent idea, excellent writing, and, in some cases, an excellent platform.
In this webinar, we discuss, in detail, the three-tiered approach that all publishers look at in evaluating potential books: the idea, the writing, and the platform. Writers will learn exactly what these terms mean, and the relative importance of each tier for different types of books. We discuss ways to evaluate your own project based on this structure, and how to improve whatever areas need help.
What you'll learn:- How to capture your book in a compelling hook that will draw the attention of agents and editors.
- How to determine if your rejections are less about your project and more about the marketplace.
- What is meant by the "competitive advantage" and how to know if you have it.
- How to make your writing shine,taking an idea and fleshing it out with voice, narrative, point-of-view, and structure.
- How to develop an attractive writer platform,connecting with other writers and individuals while making yourself a visible authority on a subject.
- How agents and editors quickly look over a project and decide if it has the necessary elements to make them request more.
- How to get your book published!
Rachelle Gardner is an agent with WordServe Literary Group, representing both fiction and nonfiction. She has been in the publishing business for fifteen years, with experience in marketing, sales, international rights, acquisitions and editorial. Rachelle is looking to represent authors with long-term publishing potential. She's looking at all genres of adult fiction except fantasy, sci-fi, and erotica, and prefers stories with strong characters and page-turning plots. Currently her favorite genres are contemporary women's fiction, historical romance, and romantic suspense. In non-fiction, she's looking for authors with strong messages (for either a Christian audience or the general market) and significant marketing platforms.
Who should attend?
- Fiction writers who are writing a book or have a completed project.
- Nonfiction writers developing a book proposal or project.
- Writers who have been rejected and are looking to evaluate and possibly refine their work to make a project more attractive.
Writer's Digest does not offer any refunds for the webinar. All sales are final.
OnDemand webinars do not include a critique.