Story Structure Made Easy OnDemand Webinar
This webinar will demystify the simplicity of what story structure is really all about. You will learn an organic approach to story as it relates to character growth, not formula.We will examine this subject by covering previous theories of story by Blake Snyder's Save The Cat, Syd Fields, and story structure as explained by Joseph Campbell in The Hero's Journey. We will then connect the dots between these previous approaches and explain what makes a story truly cohesive and relates to the emotional journey of your protagonist.The webinar will be taught by Glenn M. Benest, award-winning screenwriter and one of Los Angeles' most popular instructor of screenwriting workshops.
- The basics of story structure
- What all theories of structure have in common
- The pitfalls in slavishly following formulas for structure
- The most popular theories for explaining how to structure your film
- The character arc and how that relates to story structure
- How to make your stories unique and emotional
- Writers who want to learn about story structure
- Writers who are confused by story outlines and what they've read on the subject
- Writers who have never learned the basics of story structure and want a clear grasp of the subject
- Writers who haven't been taught the connection between story and character
- Writers who want to learn more about how a character grows
- Writers who want to break the mold of formulaic writing
- Writers who want a new approach to story structure