Writer's Digest February 2013 (PDF)
Make More Money Writing
Failure to Launch
Why do so many published novels fail to sell,and what can you do to keep your book from becoming one of them? A leading literary agent sets the record straight.
by Donald Maass
Pixels to Paychecks
Learn how to make money writing for the Web.
by Kelly James-Enger
Banking on ebooks
How can the average writer make money self-publishing on digital platforms? Here's the latest on the ebook marketplace.
by Porter Anderson
Mad Money
The market for freelance copywriting is bigger than ever,and so is the potential to break in. Put your writing skills to work on the side, and you might just hit the jackpot.
by Athena Schultz
Winner Takes All
These top-tier writing awards offer big prestige, big exposure and even bigger prizes.
by Ophelia Thomas
The WD Interview: Jamie Lee Curtis
She isn't just another celebrity hopping on the book bandwagon. Jamie Lee Curtis has been an acclaimed author for decades,and she saysHollywoodcan't compete with the work she's most proud of: her long-running children's book series.
by Marcy Kennedy Knight
WRITER'S WORKBOOK: Viewpoint and Tense
A Point-Of-View Primer
by Jordan E. Rosenfeld
Choosing The Best Pov For Your Genre
by Alicia Rasley
The Pros And Cons Of Present Tense
by David Jauss
Get A Voice-Lift
Writing from the perspective of a teenage character? Here's how to keep it real.
by Diana Lopez
- The (Greeting) Card Game
- 5-Minute Memoir: The Centenarian's Secret
- Poetic Asides: Chant Poem Top Shelf
- Questions & Quandaries: Queries vs. Pitches
- Good to Know: High Heels
MEET THE AGENT: Barbara Lowenstein, Lowenstein Associates
by Kara Gebhart Uhl
BREAKING IN: Debut Author Spotlight
by Chuck Sambuchino
FUNNY YOU SHOULD ASK: Following Up With Agents; Cover Control; Self-Pub Concerns
by Barbara Poelle
YOUR STORY: Setting the Stage, Contest #44
STANDOUT MARKETS: GRIT; Confrontation; Kar-Ben Publishing
by Tiffany Luckey
CONFERENCE SCENE:Las Vegas Writers Conference; Conversations and Connections; A Rally of Writers
by Linda Formichelli
REJECT A HIT: “Rip Van Winkle"
Spoof-Rejected by Roy I. Steele