How to Hook an Agent or Editor With Your Query OnDemand Webinar
The query letter is usually the first, and only, impression an agent will have of your work. With agents receiving between 75-300 queries a week, it's crucial to have query letters that will stand out among the rest,but it's even more important when writing a query letter to have a carefully crafted query that leaves the agent wanting more,and asking to read your project. Because sending an agent a query letter is so important, this entire 90-minute intensive webinar will be devoted to it,examining query letter examples that worked and dissecting query letter samples that didn't.
Attendees will leave this session prepared to know what is a query letter, how to write a query letter, and learn a one-line pitch for face-to-face conference pitches. Instructor Kathleen Ortiz receives more than 100 queries a week. She has taught workshops on "Perfecting Your Pitch," and "How to Write a Query," wherein she shares a sample query letter to a literary agent and valuable writing advice.
What you'll learn:
- The essential elements of every novel query and what a query letter format consists of.
- The components of a compelling hook
- Common mistakes and red flags that appear in sample query letters
- How to craft a pitch for face-to-face pitch opportunities (like at conferences)
- What to put in your bio even if you have no credits
Who should watch?
- Writers who are actively querying agents and publishers
- Writers whose query letters always get rejected (or never get a response)
- Writers who will be pitching their concept at a conference
- Writers unsure of what a strong hook looks and sounds like
- Writers who want to learn more about how to impress an agent or editor
Kathleen Ortiz is a literary agent and the subsidiary rights director for Nancy Coffey Literary and Media Representation. She is actively seeking new YA, older middle grade and romance writers to add to her client list. She is especially interested in anything that lends itself to a digital application.
"Any opportunity to learn from an agent is key to gaining experience and knowledge as a writer. I thoroughly enjoyed this session with Kathleen, who really simplified the query writing process for me. I even noticed a few 'red flags' in my own queries and have fixed them before sending them out to the agents on my list. I am really hopeful I will receive positive feedback this time around."
OnDemand webinars do not include a critique.
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