How To Make Your Romance Hot Enough For An Agent OnDemand Webinar
You'll Love This OnDemand Webinar If:
- You have a completed novel ready to be seen by an agent
- You are a romance writer with a yet-to-be-completed novel and want to know how to make your book stand out from the slush pile
- You are interested in learning more about how an agent evaluates romance novels
- You are looking for insider information on agents, editors, and the business of publishing
Romance novels represent a huge chunk of fiction sales , readers devour romance and agents are hungry to sell romance to publishing houses. If you write in this HOT genre, you need to know what captures the attention of an agent, an editor and all those voracious readers!
What You'll Learn In This OnDemand Webinar:
- The specific elements of a romance novel agents look for in submissions: Yes, there are specific elements of romance writing that you want to nail before starting submissions. We'll discuss your writing, your platform, your hook and your pitch. Want agents and editors to ask for sample pages and full manuscripts? This is a specific checklist of Things To Do for publication.
- Common red flags to avoid in your romance novel: To avoid those dreaded passes from agents and editors, make sure you understand common pitfalls and red flags within the genre. Again, we'll tackle the book itself as well as business tips.
- Places to go to get your work reviewed and critiqued: Once your manuscript is polished and you know more about the business side of things, find a reputable source for a critique (or two). There are places to go if you know where to look, and they don't always cost money. Polishing your work is one top way to make your novel hot enough for an agent!
- How to make an accurate list of legitimate agents who rep romance novels and how to approach them successfully:We'll discuss how to find reputable romance agents, how to make sure they would be a good fit for your style and for your book, and what to do with that list once you have it.
- How to mold a successful publishing career out of the options you have in today's ever-changing market: Finally, in this brave new world of publishing (meaning the explosive growth of e-publishing and self-publishing alongside traditional print publishing), you need to know your options! The romance genre is exploding with opportunity but you have to know where to look for accurate and professional information on how to grow your career!
What Writers Are Saying About This OnDemand Webinar:
"This was my first webinar as an attendee. It exceeded my expectations. I learned so much in just 90 minutes. It was well planned, beautifully delivered and full of insider info. It was just what I needed to hear to make me commit to getting my novel into proper shape for commercial publishing. And, I now have the tools to understand what an agent is looking for. Bravo!!" ,Mary M.
About Sara Megibow:
Instructor Sara Megibow has worked at the Nelson Literary Agency since 2006. As a literary agent, Sara has enjoyed tremendous success selling debut romance authors into major New York publishing houses. A few deals from 2010 and 2011 include the debut contemporary erotic romance Crash Into You by Roni Loren to Berkley/Penguin, debut Golden Heart finalist Ashlyn Macnamara's Tale of Two Sisters to Ballantine Bantam Dell, and debut erotica author Tiffany Reisz's The Siren to Harlequin. Nelson Literary Agency is a member of: AAR, RWA, SFWA, SCBWI. Find Sara on Twitter as @SaraMegibow, on Facebook at Sara Megibow Nelson Agency and online at www.nelsonagency.com.OnDemand webinars do not include a critique.