Thinking Beyond the First Book
Do you just have one book you want to write, or are you starting a writing career? It's never too early to think about what happens after your book is on the shelf, and prepare for the many things that can go right or wrong after that point. In this OnDemand webinar, author Nathan Makaryk discusses writing careers, the novel series, and more in a presentation based on a variety of real authors’ experiences.
Nathan Makaryk's debut novel NOTTINGHAM was released in August 2019 by Tor/Forge (US) and Bantam (AUS), and its sequel LIONHEARTS followed in September 2020. Nathan is a theater owner, playwright, director, actor and improv comedian, living in southern California. None of these pay very well, so he also has a real job teaching audio systems networking software to people who have no idea he's also a novelist and theater guy. He likes dogs and scotch because of course he does.