How to Craft Sizzling Dialogue Video Download
Dialogue is the fastest way to improve,or sink,a manuscript. Discover techniques that can be applied instantly to your writing. Learn how to craft sizzling dialogue and elevate your manuscript in the eyes of agents, editors, and readers!
This tutorial is taught by James Scott Bell (jamesscottbell.com). Jim is the author of the mega-bestseller for writers, Plot & Structure, and numerous thrillers, including Deceived, Try Dying, and Watch Your Back. His novella One More Lie was the first self-published work to be nominated for an International Thriller Writers Award. He served as the fiction columnist for Writer's Digest magazine and has written highly popular craft books for Writer's Digest Books, including: Revision & Self-Editing, The Art of War for Writers, and Conflict & Suspense. Jim taught writing at Pepperdine University and now appears at numerous conferences. He graduated with honors from the University of Southern California Law School, and has written over 300 articles and numerous books for the legal profession.
In this 58-minute tutorial video, you'll learn:
- The 8 Essentials of Great Dialogue
- The 12 Tools for Creating Dazzling Talk
- How to use dialogue attributions correctly
- Where to put dialogue in your novel queries, synopses, or other proposal materials