How to Write a First Draft in a Month OnDemand Webinar
- You are thinking about National Novel Writing Month (NaNo WriMo)
- You are scheduled to participate in NaNoWriMo this November
- You are writing their first manuscript ever
- You have written a book, but are looking for a faster-paced schedule this time around
- You are a “pantser" but want to become “plotter"
- You want to refine your habits
Yes, you can write a draft of your book in a month! Don't let limited time, busy lives, or other obstacles get in your way of writing the book that is in you. A manuscript in 30 days requires thoughtful preparation, strategic planning, a strong sense of discipline and loads of enthusiasm,and this ondemand webinar will give you the concrete tools to achieve your goal. If the only thing that's holding you back from getting words on the page is no plan, this webinar has all the answers.
Literary agent Carly Watters has been coaching authors through first drafts for a decade and she'll present a comprehensive strategy to “winning" National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo): a 50,000+ word draft in 30 days. This webinar is all about volume and getting 1,667+ words written per day. Whether you'll be joining a “5am Writers' Club," writing during your lunch breaks at work, or after your kids have gone to sleep,it's possible for everyone. The ondemand webinar will focus on character sketches, detailed storyboarding, realistic schedules, and tips to keep up your momentum through the full month of daily writing.
There will be roadblocks, but you'll be better positioned to succeed with the more preparation you can do in advance.
- How to create an overview for your month of writing
- How to create an engaging premise, well-paced plot, and comprehensive character sketches in advance of writing
- How to stick to a daily word count
- Which chapters to flag for future revision and when to forge on to the next chapter
- Tips for setting, and maintaining, a realistic schedule
- Ways to overcome complicated life stuff, writers' block and sluggish writing days
Carly Watters began her publishing career in London at the Darley Anderson Literary, TV and Film Agency. She has a BA in English Literature from Queen's University and a MA in Publishing Studies from City University London. Since joining PSLA in 2010 Carly has had great success launching new authors domestically and abroad. Never without a book on hand she reads across categories which is reflected in the genres she represents at PSLA. Representing debuts and bestsellers, Carly is drawn to: emotional, well-paced fiction with a great voice and characters that readers can get invested in, and platform-driven non-fiction.
NOTE: Writer's Digest does not offer refunds for OnDemand Webinars. All sales are final. OnDemand Webinars do NOT include a critique.