The Writer’s Digest Guide to Plot: 126 Tropes, 125 Plot Twist Prompts, and Plot Advice From Award-Winning and Bestselling Authors

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Regardless of whether you plan your plot in advance or write by the seat of your pants, at some point the plot of your story must come into focus. But that can be challenging, and sometimes, no matter how much you outline, your plot can go in directions you didn’t see coming. In this 230+ page PDF, you’ll get plotting advice from 22 award-winning and bestselling authors about everything from starting your story better to creating cliffhangers to plotting out a series, and so much more.

            Plus, this digital guide contains 126 tropes for romance, science-fiction, fantasy, mystery, thriller, horror, and advice for how to use these tropes in exciting and unique ways, helping you to both give readers what they expect from the genre while also delighting and surprising them.

            Finally, you’ll find 125 plot twist writing prompts that encourage you to get creative. Use them when you’re feeling stuck, as practice writing exercises, or to take your story in a whole new direction.

This PDF writing guide includes advice from:

  •         Tiffany Yates Martin
  •         Ali Hazelwood
  •         Kamilah Cole
  •         Chris Mooney
  •         Jacob M. Appel
  •         Sara Desai
  •         And many, many more!

[View the full table of contents by clicking through the images to the left.]

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