Training the Mind to be Receptive to Story Ideas
Training the Mind to be Receptive to Story Ideas
To write, you need ideas. But you also need ideas for how to develop those ideas. While it's true that ideas are everywhere, writers benefit from strategies of idea recognition and idea development. This tutorial will introduce you to several idea-generating and idea-developing strategies that will help you become a productive and prolific writer.
This tutorial is taught by Fred White, Ph.D., professor emeritus at Santa Clara University. Fred has taught courses in writing and literature for nearly forty years. In 1996, he won the Louis and Dorina Brutocao Award for Teaching Excellence. The author of several books on writing and literary criticism, Fred's most recent book is Where Do You Get Your Ideas? A Writer's Guide to Transforming Notions into Narratives.
This 29-minute tutorial video focuses on ‘idea-getting' and ‘idea-developing' strategies:
- How to generate story ideas by becoming a keen observer of people
- Finding story ideas in the natural world
- Forming the idea-getting habit
- The importance of being both an idea fisher and an idea factory
- Becoming a “master chef" of story ideas
This tutorial will inspire your ideas to flow freely!
{The strategies presented in this tutorial are not covered in Fred White's book Where Do You Get Your Ideas? A Writer's Guide to Transforming Notions into Narratives,this tutorial covers additional strategies. We highly recommend combining this tutorial with the book to pull back the curtain on the magic of remarkable idea generation.}