Writer's Digest Writing Basics 2016 Digital Edition
Writer's Digest presents:
Building Blocks
Say What You Mean to Say Precise writing is good writing. These tips will help you find the right words,every time. by Stephen Wilbers
Community Every writer needs a tribe. Here are some simple ways to get by with a little help form your friends. by Caroline Leavitt
Training Camp Would a writing coach or mentor offer the boost your career needs? Here's what you need to know. by Laura Amann
Take Your Writing Back to School Take a look at the difference between traditional and low-residency MFA programs, and see if one might be right for you. by David W. Brown
Make a New Commitment to Your Writing Whether you have yet to pop the question or it's time to renew your vows, try this 10-step plan to keep your love alive. by Elizabeth Sims
52 Writing Prompts Send writer's block packing with a story starter for every week of the year. by Brian A. Klems, Cris Freese & Hannah Haney
How to Stay Creative for Life A lifetime of writing means a lifetime of finding ways to breathe new energy into our work. Here are 8 secrets to staying inspired for the long haul. by Deb Caletti
Learn the Craft
Your A to Z Guide to Novel Writing Staring down the first blank page of your novel? Our A to Z guide of expert tips, inspirational advice and helpful hints will walk you from Page 1 through The End. Compiled by Baihley Grandison & Tyler Moss
Picture (Book) Perfect Sidestep these 10 common pitfalls in writing for kids, and you might just go to the head of the class. by Marie Lamba
Character Close-Ups Follow these 6 steps to fill your screenplay,or any kind of fiction,with characters that have star power. by Wendy Kram
Layered Revision When it's time to revise, trying to address all story elements at once can leave your manuscript in shambles. Try this layer-by-layer approach for a smoother revision and a stronger final draft. by Gabriela Pereira
Becoming a Pro
Novel Queries 101 To submit your novel to editors or agents, you'll need a strong pitch. Here's how to stand out. by Chuck Sambuchino
Secrets of Short Story Writers Writing and selling short stories can make a career in its own right, or a great foundation for further writing. Here's how to write well and publish consistently. by Erika Dreifus
Article by [Your Name Here] Landing magazine bylines isn't as difficult as you may think,as long as you know these basics. by Kerrie Flanagan
Book Proposals, Step by Step Seeking a publisher for your nonfiction book idea? Pack your proposal with these essentials, and you'll be off to a solid start. by Chuck Sambuchino
Making the Best of Bad Situations The writing life can come with its share of (public) pickles. Here's how to save face. by Debbie Swanson
Give Yourself Permission to Become a Writer For one writer, an unexpected incident proved the labels others give us don't have to define our passions. by Michelle Hauser