Beyond Screenwriting: How to Make Your Pages Look Like You're A Seasoned Screenwriter OnDemand Webinar
This webinar gives you a Hollywood screenwriter's insider look to the real ins and outs of the industry trenches. Sterling Anderson will breakdown the elements of a good screenplay and teach you how to avoid mistakes even professional screenwriters make.
This webinar will provide easy-to-follow tips from how to get your screenplay read and to dealing with showrunners, line producers, and producers once you've gotten the job.
- The difference between drama and exposition
- How to know when characters should speak
- How to write dialogue like an experienced writer
- The difference between "showing" and "telling" the story
- How to write and indicate that you know what your budget is for show or movie
- How to write a "bottle" or "submarine" episode
- How fast should you write
- When and when not to use "moments later" and "continuous" in scene headings
- When to use emotion in action
- When and when not to describe characters in detail
- How to correctly use parentheticals
- Writers who want to get hired on a television show or to write a movie.
- Writers who want to keep their first jobs on a television show or new writing assignment.
- Writers who want their script to have the "look"' of a good script.
- Writers who want to turn in scripts that feel like it was written by a professional.
OnDemand webinars do not include a critique.
The Writers Store does not offer any refunds for the webinar. All sales are final.