Breaking in Outside of Hollywood OnDemand Webinar
When screenwriters ask an industry insider for advice, the most common response writers hear is, "Move to L.A." But Jeanne Veillette Bowerman says, "Not so fast."
Jeanne has built a strong network for herself right from her country home in New York State while only making a handful of trips to L.A. a year. She'll show you her key secrets and how to navigate the plethora of social media outlets available.
This on-demand webinar covers creative, out-of-the-box strategies to use right from the comfort of your home, miles away from the Hollywood hills, and still have a shot at breaking down the barriers and breaking in.
Learn the secrets to preparing for a successful trip to L.A. and how to continue building those relationships after you're back home. When you live far from L.A., networking is crucial. Learn the enigma surrounding networking-and find out how to create a strong community of support.
Traveling to pitchfests requires time and money. Learn how to get the best bang for your buck at a pitching event and turn a five-minute pitch meeting into a relationship that lasts years.
• Resources for learning online
• Social media platforms and tips
• How to build a strong community of support
• The importance of creating your own website
• Planning your trips to L.A. to maximize your success
• The do's and don'ts of pitchfests
• A checklist of what you need before you pitch to a producer or an agent
• What to do after a networking trip
• How to keep your name in sight even when you're miles away
• Newbie mistakes to avoid
• Writers who live outside of L.A
• Writers who have a script ready and want to know the next step
• Writers who have social media phobia
• Writers who need networking tips
• Writers looking for resources on the craft and business
• Writers wanting to maximize pitchfest trips
• Writers who want to create their own website
• Writers who need the push to get past their fears
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