Everything You Need to Know About Agents and Managers (and How to Get One) OnDemand Webinar
Screenwriters are often so eager to secure an agent or manager that they lose focus on the fact that they have to be worthy of one. Not to mention, many do not have a clear understanding as to which representative might actually be in a position and willing to help facilitate the next step in their career.
Rare is the writer who embarks upon a full-length screenplay without at least having an idea of what a thematically satisfying ending might be. Yet everyday, writers of all levels and talents inundate literary representatives with zero concept of their end game. This is so common that it has become an unflattering stereotype.
Successful movies are marketed with laser-like focus on the demographics of their target audience, yet aspiring screenwriters too often machine gun out mass query letters and e-mails, only to suffer disappointment when their response ratio is so dreary.
Success leaves clues.
This ondemand webinar teaches you how to identify the genres and niches (that you excel at) which just might be your most efficient points of entry into the business; who might be looking for fresh talent (where they look for it and how to identify the gaps or competition in their existing client base); and where your precious time and creative energies should be focused.
This webinar will help you learn how to brainstorm, identify and research a finely honed hit list of agents and managers truly appropriate to your unique voice, where you're at in your career--and where you want to be, and how to strategize getting on their radars.
- What kind of writer you are (or might be)
- The ways you might be initially perceived (read: pigeon-holed) as a writer
- How to promote your own personal brand
- How to research and track writers you admire, professionals who impress you, and projects you'd love to work on
- Why you might want to track people and projects
- How to shift your perspective to see the business through an agent's eyes
- How to market yourself to the right representatives
- What scripts you might need to write to best demonstrate your talents
- What sort of marketing materials you should create
- How an entertainment attorney could help you get an agent
- Agents are not buyers -- find out who buys scripts -- and how to get your scripts to them
- Agents don't make movies -- find out who does and how to get your scripts to them
- What you should expect from an agent
- Why original specs are so often ignored
- How and where to find out what scripts sold for -- and who sold them
- The handful of agents and managers who made 90% of the spec and pitch sales over the past few years
- The agents with the highest percentage of repping first time spec sales
- How to access them -- or any rung on their ladders
- How and when to follow-up
- How to use contest wins to gain traction and access
- The pros and cons of pitch festivals
Screenwriters who...
- want to get their first agent or manager
- need a new agent or manager
- want to change agents or managers
- want to improve their relationship and success with their existing reps
- are tired of wasting time spinning their wheels waiting for their careers to take off
- incorrectly think the same query letter will work for studios, agents, production companies, and talent
- didn't know the Hollywood Creative Directory is no longer published
- have never heard of Slated, The Tracking Board, TV Tracker, It's On The Grid, The Wrap, The Ulmer Scale, The Black List (and all the other lists)
- are marketing to the WGA's list of agents agreeing to read unsolicited material
- are ready to take ownership of their careers
- are willing to try something out of the box
- who don't want to move to Los Angeles or New York
- want to move to LA or NY but must research and network from afar to break in
- live in LA and NY and aren't where they want to be in their careers
- have won a contest
- have lost a rep
OnDemand Webinars do not include a critique.
The Writers Store does not offer any refunds for the webinar. All sales are final.