How to Write the First 10 Pages of a Feature-Length Screenplay OnDemand Webinar
Love movies? Think you could write one? Give it a shot!
It's easier than you think to start writing your own screenplay. This course will give you the basics to start writing the first 10 pages of a brand new script. Be it a wild adventure into space or the family history you've been waiting to get down on paper-get started with this webinar.
Today, it's easier than ever to learn how to become a screenwriter. From courses to books, to downloading scripts on the Internet to listening to DVD commentary, the tools of creating a compelling story for the screen have never been closer.
During this 90-minute course, you will learn how to build a story around the three principle elements: concept, conflict, and character. You'll learn the basics of writing a treatment, a great way to summarize your story before you start writing script pages. And, you'll learn the basic three-act structure, as well as formatting styles for getting started with pages.
This course will get you started on an adventure of a lifetime into the world of filmmaking. But be careful, because you might get hooked! This session is presented by Jenna Milly.
What You'll Learn
- Basic story construction
- How to create scenes and dialogue
- Beginners roadblocks, how to jump over them
- Defining your story. You want to write, but about what?
- How to get it done
Who Should Attend?
- Beginning and intermediate screenwriters starting a new project.
- Authors and journalists curious about writing for the screen.
- Anyone interested in the movies...!
- Writers who want to know more about Hollywood and how movies are conceptualized.
- Experienced writers looking for a jumpstart to their creative process