The First 10 Pages OnDemand Webinar
For a producer, reading a truly great script is like finding a hidden oasis in the middle of a vast desert. But industry executives are so used to seeing mirages, that unless you show them in the right way, they may not even recognize real water when they see it.
That's bad news for a lot of writers. But it's good news for you. Because if you understand the ways that producers form their first impressions of a script, you can use them to your advantage--to start winning over your readers from the very first page.
Just like a potential employer starts judging you the moment you walk into the room, producers, agents, development executives, and coverage readers start making up their minds about your script before they even finish the first page.
In this groundbreaking seminar with award-winning screenwriter Jacob Krueger, you'll learn how to use your first ten pages to grab the attention of your reader, and turn your script into producer candy.
- The top 5 reasons a screenplay gets rejected
- 10 common mistakes that drive readers crazy
- Why some scripts get passed on before anyone gets to the good stuff--learn how you can keep this from happening to you
- The top 5 secrets of a successful first page
- The actor attractor: how one moment can hook a star for your film
- Looking professional: the 10-page rule
- First page tricks that make producers see dollar signs
- The goldilocks rule, the flip test and first page flyover: how a producer really chooses what they read
- The 3 keys to seducing the coverage reader
- Why some scripts get read and others get skimmed
- How to keep the normal world of your character from turning into a boring world
- The inciting incident: how one moment can make or break your script
- How to turn format into a friend--so people don't just read your script, they actually see it
- An organic approach to making the first 10 pages the best pages in your script (and become a better writer in the process)
- Writers who want to learn what producers are really looking for in the first 10 pages
- Writers have had their script rejected
- Writers who have a great story, but are having trouble getting its full potential across to their readers
- Writers who want their script to feel professional
- Writers who have received bad coverage
- Writers applying for festivals, competitions, fellowships, and grants
- Writers who want to hook their reader from the very first page
- Writers who want to improve their craft
- Writers who want techniques for identifying what makes their script unique and desirable
- Writers who are having trouble getting their story started
- Writers who would like to attract a big star to their script
- Writers who would like to learn more about capturing the attention of agents, producers, and managers
OnDemand webinars do not include a critique. The Writers Store does not offer any refunds for the webinar. All sales are final.