Using Adaptations as the Perfect Source for Your Script OnDemand Webinar
Agents, Hollywood producers, and publishers are always searching for the next great story. But not all writers start from scratch. Oftentimes, ideas come from the things we see, read, write, and hear. The challenge for many is how to transition these materials from their original form of a book, article, and story into a full-fledged viable screenplay.
So what's your creative idea all about and where could it come from? Could it be the next bestseller at the bookstore or the next mega-hit movie? Maybe both. Savvy industry professionals love to leverage their time and efforts by capitalizing on a story that can be adapted into many forms. Watch, listen, and learn during this interactive session with the dream consultant who makes things happen for writers.
Best-selling, award-winning author, and powerhouse consultant Jennifer S. Wilkov of Your Book Is Your Hook and The Literary Matchmaker