Writer's Digest July/August 2013 (PDF)
Your Guide to Genre Fiction
What “High Concept" Means in Any Genre
Stumped by submission guidelines calling for “high-concept" romance, suspense, young adult or other popular fiction? These seven qualifiers will help you gauge how (and where) your work fits in.
by Jeff Lyons
Vitamin C for Your Thriller
Boost your story's immunity to reader scrutiny with these fortifying nutrients.
by James Scott Bell
“New Adult": The Next Big Thing?
There's a new genre targeting readers who are outgrowing YA,but is it here to stay? Here's what you should know about the New Adult trend.
by Teri Brown
How to Write & Sell the Cross-Genre Novel
Quality cross-genre fiction has the potential to reach exponentially more readers by appealing to multiple audiences. Broaden your story's appeal with these smart strategies.
by Michelle Richmond
Major Genre Awards at a Glance
Whether you're looking to decipher an author's bio, read up on the best in your target genres, or set goals for your own published work, start with this quick guide.
by Ophelia Thomas
The Once and Future King
Joe Hill set out to prove that you don't have to be the son of the most famous writer on the planet to be heir to the horror throne. But it just so happens he's both.
by Zachary Petit
The WD Interview: Khaled Hosseini
Truly great storytelling is a powerful thing. It can cross borders, transcend language, touch hearts, open minds,and make a writer's most “outlandish" dreams come true.
by Jessica Strawser
Short and Striking
The winners of WD's Short Short Story Competition prove that the smallest stories can have the biggest impact.by Marielle Murphy
WRITER'S WORKBOOK: Antagonists & Antiheroes
by Laura Disilverio
Mastering Monsters As Antagonists
by Jessica Page Morrell
The Art Of The Antihero
by Jessica Page Morrell
Mini Muses
Seven popular authors take us behind their desks for a look at the totems that keep their stories going strong
by Janice Gable Bashman
- Faith-Based Freelancing
- 5 Things Novelists Can Learn From Screenwriters
- Poetic Asides
- Q&Q: Literally vs. Figuratively
- 5-Minute Memoir
BREAKING IN: Debut Author Spotlight
by Chuck Sambuchino
MEET THE AGENT: Laura Bradford, Bradford Literary Agency
by Kara Gebhart Uhl
FUNNY YOU SHOULD ASK: Established Agents vs. New Reps; Coping With Contradictory Feedback
by Barbara Poelle
YOUR STORY: The Ticker
by Dori Renner
STANDOUT MARKETS: Brain, Child; AARP The Magazine; Avon Romance
by Tiffany Luckey
CONFERENCE SCENE: Clarksville, Tenn.; Teen Writers; The Writers' League of Texas
by Linda Formichelli
REJECT A HIT: The Exorcist
Spoof-Rejected by Edward Murphy