Writing a Memoir Bundle
A memoir has the potential to be a powerful experience, both for the one writing it and the one reading it. When telling your story, there are a great many challenges to consider. How do you connect something so deeply personal with a reader whose experiences may in no way resemble yours? How do you manage to capture your lived experiences when your memory is fallible? What kind of research must you do when you are your own primary source? All these questions and more are covered in the Writing a Memoir Bundle, consisting of eleven Writer's Digest Shop products we've discounted by 89%. Save on these vital resources, and get started telling your story today!
How Three Pages Can Launch Your Book: As an essayist, author of many first-person books her family hates, and long-time writing professor, Susan Shapiro often tells her classes that three pages can change your life. It can also launch your book, whether it’s a novel, memoir, essays, poems, short-stories, biography, narrative or prescriptive nonfiction. In this OnDemand webinar, you’ll learn how to craft and market a brilliant short piece that can lead to publishing much longer work. ($79.99 value)
Cracking the Code: Using Experimentation to Tap the Lyric Essay: Braided essays. Lyric essays. Hermit crab essays. In the past two decades, the essay has broken out of its shell to absorb and take on exciting new shapes and capacities. In this generative session, we’ll consider the lyric essay and its possibilities. We’ll discuss experimentation and innovation with an eye to teasing out the strange and unexpected in your essaying. ($79.99 value)
Truth Is the Arrow, Mercy Is the Bow: How to Tell the Unbearable Story: Anyone who writes memoir faces a series of internal conflicts: How do I tell the truth about my own story without hurting others who played a role in my story? How do I continue to write when I feel exposed? And (most crucially) how can I be honest while remaining merciful toward those who hurt me? In this OnDemand webinar, we’ll address these questions head-on, and offer concrete advice to anyone who is seeking to write an unbearable story. Or a story that can feel, in particular moments, unbearable. ($79.99 value)
Writing Vivid Scenes Even When Your Memory Is Spotty: Vivid scenes are an essential part of any writer's toolkit—but what if you don't remember enough about the story you're trying to tell to write with the kind of specificity and detail readers love? This OnDemand webinar will provide techniques to help you remember more, as well as how to work with what you've got—from the ethics of using creative license to fill in details, to how to milk a single flash of memory for all it's worth. ($79.99 value)
Shaping Our Stories: Approaches to Narrative Voice in Creative Nonfiction: We’re all familiar with Whitman’s line “I contain multitudes” but writers often struggle to find a compelling voice in their creative nonfiction. How do we tell our own true stories? In this OnDemand webinar, award-winning author and educator Megan Baxter will break down different approaches to narrative voice that will help you express yourself in your creative nonfiction. You’ll learn how to view yourself both as a character and an author and how to navigate the challenges of memory, identity, and creativity to shape your true stories. ($79.99 value)
How to Write a Beautiful Publishable First Person Essay That Can Change Your Career and Life: While Susan Shapiro promises her students that three pages can change their life, they often have no idea what topic to write a first-person essay about, what tone to use, or how to tell a true life story that happened to them in the past in a way that will engage editors and readers. In this exciting talk, she’ll offer the popular short nonfiction assignment she's given her classes over 25 years that has led to the most prestigious, successful publications--many that even led to books. ($79.99 value)
The Self and the World: Deepening the Personal Narrative through Research and Reportage: The essay and the memoir have always been capacious forms but we’ve seen, in the last two decades, a real shift as essayists and memoirists look outward at historical and cultural contexts and pressures on their personal journeys. This OnDemand webinar will explore strategies for incorporating research and reportage in the personal essay and/or the memoir with an eye to deepening and enriching narratives. Hasanthika will particularly focus on archival research and techniques, and strategies, for using interviews and immersion experiences. ($79.99 value)
Writer's Digest September/October 2021 Digital Edition: Standout Storytelling is the lifeblood of most creative writing, from short stories and poetry to novels and memoirs, and it’s the theme of our September/October 2021 issue. We’ve curated a selection of features and articles to inform and inspire writers of all types on their quest to write better and share their stories. ($7.99 value)
Writer's Digest March/April 2024 Digital Edition: Whether fiction or narrative nonfiction, characters are a critical part of every story. But that doesn’t mean everyone agrees on how to create those characters or what a character needs to be in order to draw readers in. Do they need to be likable or is compelling enough? Should writers know their characters inside out, or just what’s going to be necessary for the story? In this issue of Writer’s Digest, writers will learn techniques for creating characters for novels, a series, memoir, and more. ($7.99 value)
Writer's Digest March/April 2021 Digital Edition: Writer's Digest gets bigger, better, and more personal in the March/April 2021 issue! We're unveiling our new expanded look (92 pages!) and a collection of new columns aimed to ensure writers of all levels and genres learn something new. In this issue our features span intimate topics from how to make the most of your writing habits to writing about your own life with no judgment to advice for writing the most personal of all fictional scenes: the sex scene. ($7.99 value)
Writing The Personal Essay: Your Guide to Getting it Right: Windy Lynn Harris has helped hundreds of writers find success writing personal essays. A personal essay isn’t simply an anecdote but an in-depth exploration of a subject. Writing the truth is important, but great storytelling holds equal weight. Well-written essays harness cadence, individuality, a narrative arc, and creativity. In this session, Windy will share the essential components required to deliver a meaningful true story so you can craft your personal essays with confidence. ($79.99 value).