Writing Great Loglines to Sell Your TV or Film Projects OnDemand Webinar
A great logline is like meeting your true love on a first date--when you see it you know it! And spinning it into a first draft is like the first kiss after a great date. In other words, it's everything. It's the crucible in which your whole original idea is forged. And what's really exciting is that you will keep making it better--loglines change as often as a genius painter changes the sketch lines of a painting that will become a masterpiece.
In this webinar, you'll learn how and why loglines in TV versus movies are so different. And once you've nailed your logline, your whole story can fall into place. Finally, loglines are a shorthand way to X-ray or cat scan your story to find out what's right with it, what needs to improve, and loglines will even show you how to fix it.
Peter has used the amazing power of loglines to help unlock dozens of storyteller's creative originality--most recently for Kor Adana, (MR. ROBOT), Hal Ozsan, (the upcoming CLAN OF THE CAVE BEAR), as well as Brian Grazer and Ivan Orlic's spring 2016 feature release PELE, and many many others. He teaches at both UCLA Entertainment Division and is also a Professor of TV & Film Story at the Seaver College MFA program at Pepperdine University, as well as a teacher at his own online school, universityofstory.com Peter will help you understand that the power of a logline to unlock your stale story, to help you turn your 'shower thoughts' movie and TV story ideas into beautiful coherent scripts on the page. And you can do it far more quickly. Peter's teaching is also exciting, inspiring and vivid--you'll love learning in this class.
- Learn to exploit the critical difference between TV and movie loglines--and why they don't mix.
- Plug your own story into the logline method and get 'unstuck' creatively.
- Learn how to make the limitations of a genre work for you, not against you (a logline is like a vanity license plate--the art is fitting in everything inside the 'frame'.
- Why your logline is going to change and change again--and why that's the best thing!
- How great creators have used loglines in shows like MR. ROBOT, GAME OF THRONES, SILICON VALLEY, BREAKING BAD, TRUE DETECTIVE and many more.
- Writers with a 'great light bulb idea' that they can't seem to put on the page
- Creators who want to move their movie script to a TV story
- Writers who want to write the 'next great Breaking Bad'--i.e. a new twist on a genre
- Creators who are stuck in the middle of their TV or movie script's 'second act'
- Storytellers who need a 'sexy pitch' line for selling their story. TV pilot creators who can't move from concept to vivid execution
- Anyone with a story who's been told "your script isn't commercial'
- Rebels with the wildest, most crazy story idea ever