Accomplish Your Writing Goals in 2020 Premium Collection
As we enter the next decade, have you been pondering what the next steps in your writing career are? Do you feel like 2019 ended too quickly and you were unable to reach certain goals you set for yourself?
This premium collection has specific tips and tricks to help you stay productive, improve your craft, get published, and most importantly, keep a positive mindset and reach the goals you set for yourself. With these ten resources, you can feel assured that you aren't alone in your journey to success.
The Successful Author Mindset This tutorial is a general overview of what it means to engage a growth mindset that allows authors to think of their writing as a business and embrace the tasks and challenges with an open mind and positive mindset that will attract success, not just in their writing but in their careers as authors. Story Goals Learn how to determine your character's overall story goals and individual scene goals and use that knowledge to create a page-turning tale. |
Building Your Writing Life Download $29.99 Value Let's get practical and figure out how to build the writing life you want. In this ondemand webinar, we'll talk about how to make the time to write, how to push through your excuses and build a writing routine, and how to develop a support system to make sure your writing plans succeed. |
How to Build Your Brand Download $29.99 Value Learn how to start building your brand,both as an author and as a publisher. From blogging and social media to live events and e-mail, learn practical strategies for increasing awareness among your target audience. |
Turn Your Readers into Marketers Download $39.99 Value Discover new and innovative ways to promote your book that won't break the bank, and won't devour all your writing time, by using your readers to do most of the work for you. In this webinar, we will show you the elements and standards used by acquisition editors in selecting material, as well as the criteria and considerations, and even the attitudes that acquisition editors bring to submitted manuscripts. Most writers spend months or years struggling with the question of how to get their book published. This webinar will help you learn what it takes to accomplish your goals, and how to refocus your goals if you're headed in the wrong direction. This 75-minute session will bring to life 10 practical tips you can use immediately to strengthen your writing habits so you can see your writing projects reach completion again and again. Learn healthy, productive techniques for combating the inner critic, utilize envy, and summon motivation. With humor and insight, this presentation gives writers the skills to conquer the maddening uncertainties of writing and publishing, and to create a space for one's writer self in the world. This session will discuss both online and offline strategies for identifying and engaging readership, as well as tools such as websites and blogs, social media, e-mail newsletters, and content marketing. |