Getting Started in Writing Premium Collection
If you are a first-time novelist looking for guidance, this premium collection is for you. With eight hand-picked resources, you will gain the skills you need to finally write your novel! You'll also get proven advice on how to become the business-savvy professional that agents seek and editors want to work with.
Learn to create a compelling story, edit your work for the professional level, push through procrastination, and increase your chances of getting published in today's market. Embrace the writing journey and take your book from the first spark of inspiration all the way to the bestseller list.
Your Collection Includes:
A Year of Writing Prompts Digital Download
Whether you're looking for general prompts, holiday prompts, fiction prompts, nonfiction prompts or anything in between, this book provides you with a new writing opportunity every single day.
10 Practical Tips for More Consistent, Productive Writing
As a writer, you know that nothing is more important (and satisfying) than seeing your writing projects go from start to finish. This 75-minute session will bring to life 10 practical tips you can use immediately to strengthen your writing habits so you can see your writing projects reach completion again and again.
How to Write a Successful Novel: The Craft, Techniques, and Strategies You Need to Know
If you're stuck, we're here to help! Let this presentation be your basic training for writing a novel. This session will share the secrets to coming up with marketable ideas, and ways to keep your creative engine running.
8 Things First-Time Novelists Need to Avoid
This tutorial will help you avoid being perceived as a "beginner" to the industry professionals who've seen it all and stand between your book getting rejected and accepted for publication.
A Rough Draft is Better Than No Draft at All
Embracing the rough draft helps authors write faster, and write more, by giving ourselves permission to be imperfect. In this 57-minute tutorial video, we'll see how getting the story out as fast as possible gives us the raw material with which to build a quality book.
Author Jordan Rosenfeld will walk you through practical ways to sustain an unshakable writing practice through the mastery of persistence skills such as: building strong boundaries around your writing time; carving out distractions; collaborating with others; learning when to walk away, and when to try again.
In this tutorial, she talks about some of the things detailed in From First Draft to Finished Novel. Specifically, she takes you through the process of using a Story Plan Checklist in order to build cohesiveness into your novel. Additionally, this checklist can be used to easily create a synopsis!
How to Create Your Bestselling Author Career Plan Audio Download
In this eye-opening session, Nina Amir, publishing consultant and author of The Author Training Manual, lays out a proven plan for turning your story idea or information into a business strategy that gets results.